Greatest Poverty


“We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless.

The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty.

We must start in our own homes to remedy this kind of poverty.”

– the late compassionate Mother Teresa.

Full Moon Prayers


“May Peace prevail where it’s needed.

May Love propagate where it’s lacking.

May Joy thrive where sadness is rooted.

May everyone be blessed.”

In conjunction with Full Moon day, the aforesaid prayers are sent out to All on Earth. A Full Moon day is recognized as a high energy day. In spiritual circles, the Moon is known as the amplifier of energy.

Voice Of Spirit

“Hearing the Voice of Spirit or Hearing the Voice of God…. of course, is a metaphor. People who tune in spiritually don’t normally hear a voice from the sky. Hearing the voice of Spirit is a metaphor for being tuned in to the intuition from your own Higher-Self. The Higher-Self is that spiritual part of you that connects with your eternal soul. It is what most seekers strive to connect with and it gives you help with your own life, and in that, helps the planet.

The reason this intuition is so hard to hear or discern is that there’s a low, constant drone, you might say, which is a metaphor for a noise or rumble that seems to obfuscate, or cover up, the message. It’s like trying to hear something while there is a constant noise. It’s the best metaphor we can give of how massive darkness can cover light. But the noise level of this drone is starting to decrease. So, what happens when you get a better, clearer message? You change; the world changes; those around you also hear better and even those who don’t want to hear it will still know there is something different happening.

Again, this hearing is a metaphor. The meaning is really discerning the intuition of what has integrity or not, what’s going on with your own life, and the ability to enhance the feeling of coming potentials. All of that is hearing the voice of Spirit. It’s the Human Being starting to “grow up” and have a higher consciousness.”

– an excerpt of a divine message (Kryon) channeled by Lee Carroll.