Efficacy Of Motivations

“People often say to me, ‘Zig, motivation is great but it doesn’t last.’
I just tell them, Bathing doesn’t last either,
That’s why I recommend it daily.”

– the late Zig Ziglar, author & motivational speaker.

Where The Good News Is

Do you get depressed by news reported by the local newspapers and its equivalent web portals? The proportion of ‘bad news’ to ‘good news’ is incredibly lopsided towards the former, yes? News of economic slowdown, terrorism, accidents, destructive weather, etc. bombard the headlines as though nothing ever good happens on planet Earth.

In my reiki healing practice, I find that people do get agitated or depressed from reading such news daily. One of my clients even admitted that his hot temper can directly be attributed to reading such content. A friend of mine, who works as a doctor even advised her patient to lay off reading newspapers for 1 month to facilitate her recovery! Ironically, most people seem to like human drama and as such, owners of papers or news portals gladly fill their pages with dire news, to sustain their business. In the end, it’s just about making money to these corporate people. They aren’t interested in delivering a balanced reporting, where ‘good news’ are given just as much attention as ‘bad’ ones.

Fortunately, a slow shift in human consciousness in our world is seeing groups of people who provide happy/inspiring news on the internet. Reading their articles just confirms my suspicion that a lot of good events do happen such as acts of kindness by people around the world. I list down three links below, for those who are not aware that such wonderful portals exist.




It’s my fervent belief that good news need to be shared as these provide hope for humanity at large. And in our times of deepest despair, hope is just what an individual needs to hang onto, right?

Dream Into Action!

“All men dream… but not equally.
Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds,
Wake up in the day to find that it was vanity.

But the dreamers of the day are dangerous men,
For they may act on their dreams with open eyes to make them possible.”

– the late Thomas Edward Lawrence (often known as Lawrence of Arabia)

The Chinese around the world are ushering the Chinese New Year (CNY) during these times. For Year 2016, CNY starts on Feb 8. This first day of the CNY is also a new moon day that signifies new beginnings. It has been said that new moon days are suitable for starting new projects/ventures. Coincidentally, in divine numerology, the number 8 means ‘manifestation/abundance’. As such, may those celebrating these times, have their dreams come into fruition this New Year.