Appreciating Our Existence

When one is grounded in the knowledge of eternal life,
And personal action reflects this knowing,
Then all of Life becomes sacred.
The sanctity of existence is acknowledged.
It is the spirit of the I AM presence.
I am the expression of Love,
I am the expression of Joy,
I am the expression of Sadness,
I am the expression of Anger,
I am the expression of Peace.
Therein lies the Divine Truth.
I exist … therefore I AM.
For now … and Forever.
And so it is.

Honoring Gaia – Energy Of Mother Earth

“The indigenous of the earth, the ancients, revered the planet they were on. It was like a mother/father to them, and they considered it a source of all good things. It supplied the food, both from the forest and from the ground [hunting and planting]. It supplied water, and gave them shelter, even when it seemed angry. Mythology developed around it and many stories prevailed. Many of the gods of old became depictions of the energy of Gaia. And rather than put it into one scenario of singularity, often the divinity was split into many, god-like energies of the sea, of the air, of the land, of the crops, of the sun, of warmth, and of the cold. But this was always in respect. This has been the longest held view of the planet, and has existed with the indigenous even up to a few hundred years ago… always in respect.”

– divine message as channeled by Mr. Lee Carroll about Gaia, the energy of Mother Earth.

As 22nd April is known as the International Mother Earth day, let us all make a simple offering to the consciouness of Gaia and express our deepest gratitude for all that is derived from the planet.

“I am sorry,
Please forgive me,
I love you,
Thank you.”

The Ultimate Reality

“Reality is multi-dimensional. We are multi-dimensional beings who exist simultaneously in a multi-dimensional reality. Long ago, our bodies evolved from primates. Even longer ago, our minds evolved from the stars. But before the universe began, our spirits existed forever as part of the divine in higher dimensions. At the conscious (physical) level, our bodies are like a miniature replica of the solar system. Our hearts perform the function of the sun – the center of the system. Other organs within our body are also used by our souls to find a means of expression. The planets exert astrological vibrations upon our bodies that influence our personalities and soul patterns. At the subconscious (soul) level, the solar system is our larger body. We are connected to the planets, the stars, spiritual realms and entities. On the superconscious (spirit) level, we are one with the Whole. At this level, we are on a conscious level with all there is – The Divine.”

– the late Edgar Cayce (considered by many as the greatest psychic of the 20th century.)

Integrity Of Prayers

“When you pray for someone, don’t put an agenda on it … Imagine the end result of the prayer. If you are praying for someone’s health and they are sick, see them in your mind as happy without the disease. Don’t imagine how it’s going to be done and don’t tell God what to do. See the result. You are pulling upon the ‘now’ of your potential futures when you do this. If you pray for peace, see an Earth where families are not in fear or worried, where they don’t have war. Visualize the smiles of the children in a safe place.

It’s your visualization that is your prayer, and that, my friends, is just like sending light. Send the compassion of your Divine Self in places that need it. That’s what real lighthouses do, except that they have physical light and you have spiritual light.”

– A message from Kryon as channeled by Mr. Lee Carroll.

Releasing Debilitating Emotions

When I look back in life, I’m stunned by the huge amount of fear that I have absorbed from my environment and the ever present media. Every time I take a gander at the news, I notice a lopsided approach is adopted towards news reporting. Somehow, there are always reports of death arising from accidents, shootings, battles or sickness. Scandals and news of corruption are so prevalent that if one doesn’t have faith, one could be led into the thinking there is no one who can be trusted anymore. The weak economy in many parts of the world is creating another dose of insecurity amongst humanity- fear of sustenance. ‘Bad’ news instead of ‘good news’ seem to dominate the headlines. When exposed to such circumstances, anyone can accumulate ‘trapped emotions’ associated with fear. Such emotions can subtlely grow stronger over a period of time until these manifest themselves physically as diseases i.e. when our internal immune systems are adversely affected.

I suppose that is why there is a growing interest in alternative healing modalities such as Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). EFT has been described as a form of acupressure, whereby the practitioner uses fingers to repeatedly tap on 9 parts of his body to release the blockage/trapped emotions in his meridians (energy lines). (Note: Interestingly, in numerology the number 9 means completion.) EFT is practiced together with verbalizing statements or affirmations that seem to release tension in our bodies. I personally have found EFT to be a good way to let go of stress/fear. Some of the positive statements could be as such:-

“I acknowledge that there is always a new and better way for me to experience life. I forgive and release the past. I let go of Fear which no longer serves me now. I move in joy!”

“I trust the process of life, and I love and approve of myself unconditionally.”

“I believe that there is abundance in life, and there are enough resources for everyone to share. I move away from the energy of greed and embrace sustainability for all.”

“I acknowledge that what people do is their karma and how I react is mine. I release my compulsion to critique. I am at peace with myself and the world.”

“I am grateful for life’s many lessons. I thank the people who have come into my path as facilitators of my experiences. Day by day, my level of wisdom increases and my confidence grows stronger.”

“I hereby let go feelings of hopelessness. I affirm that I am strong and powerful. I am a being of love and light. I am that I AM.”

When we recall our early childhood years, we remember that we started our life experience with a clean slate. As we clear our present worries and concerns accumulated over the many years, we return our emotional state to the zero point. In that process, discordant vibes in our energy field are transmuted but the invaluable human experiences remain intact. Awareness of self then comes to a full circle and this leads to the birth of an enlightened human being- one who is empowered with the knowledge of life but remains grounded emotionally.

Perhaps, others who have been practicing EFT for a while could also offer their favorite affirmations. Any takers? 🙂

What Makes A Good Life?

What makes a good chef is the willingness to savor all types of taste, without being judgmental. Only then can the chef conjure the finest cuisine, by his mastery in tastes.

In the same manner, what makes a good life, is the variety of flavors that underpin the experiences.

Sweet moments create fond memories,
Bitter experiences test resilience,
Sour relationship teaches tolerance, and
Spicy times excite life.

When such wisdom colors my understanding,
Who am I to belittle our existence in this unique world,
That provides all the diverse ingredients?

And so… with clarity I ask a rhetoric question-
“What’s there to complain about?”
For this could really be a good life,
A good … Good Life!

(Writing inspired by One Republic’s song called ‘A Good Life’.)