Enriching Human Experience!

“This Oneness begins to move, vibrate and polarize just like fingers in my hand. Oneness began to extend out and these colours..these souls..these electromagnetic plasma like beings ..came and could communicate with me non-verbally .. This experience that we have-this Human Experience is birthed from this Oneness . There is NO separation . It’s God expressing as a human..as a tree..as a bumblebee to experience himself .. We are enriching God … There is no beginning..no end.. This is a gift of uniqueness ..this gift of contrast..”

– excerpt of the above YouTube video of a lady who had a Near Death Experience (NDE) in which she gained information about our origin and experience as humans.

[Note: More than a decade ago, after accumulating much knowledge and wisdom about the grander truth of our nature from many people’s spiritual experiences and my own divine synchronicities , I published a book – Passion For Truths compiling them. Interestingly the information shared in the above video (that I chanced upon recently) echoed a similar explanation of who we really are. I suppose humans require such reminders from different parties, as being on Earth can take a toll on one’s health. Remembering who we are and why we are here can be empowering for those who have forgotten.]

Back To Self!

“When we are born, we come into this world only knowing pure and unconditional love . It shines so brightly out of us that it causes everyone to literally light up whenever they are anywhere near us. But as we grow, we start to learn fear through our family, friends and the world around us. We start to feel separate and different to everyone we see. Our lives suddenly become a ticket-tape parade of judging others and being judged ourselves. Life will never be the same again.”

“And yet, that initial spark of love is still there! If we can find a way to tap into that again, we will suddenly be able to open our hearts to compassion, nurturing, kindness and love that never actually left us. We will start to see that underneath all the yellowing, crinkly edges of our lives, we are all essentially the same. We all want love. We all have dreams and fears. We all want to feel important and worthy. We are all beings on a planet together, trying our best to muddle through life. If we can open our hearts and minds and let love lead the way, the fear that is permeating the world will start to release its tight grip…”

“And that is the point. Working with the angels and learning to connect with them whenever you need to can help bring you back to the core of who you are; the LOVE that’s inside!”

– Katie Oman an intuitive person who often works with angelic beings.

[The word angel is derived from a Greek word – ‘Angelos’ meaning ‘Divine Messenger’.]

Expansion Of The Heart!

“Remember your heart is your center of feeling and this dear human, is your fullest gift you can have on this planet at this time – your gift of emotion and we would like to remind you, as with all gifts so too is this one of the places that could be the biggest weakness. It is through your emotions that you can be manipulated but it is through your emotions that you can.. we will use the same word ‘manipulate’ your reality. Your experience on Earth is generated through your emotions. If only you remember NOT to allow yourselves to be pushed and pulled in the directions that the emotions of others push you in. Forces on your planet want you to feel certain ways – small, neglected and fearful. The power of your heart is great. Bring it fully online and choose the emotions that you wish to feel and bring about in this world . They are your guides and your heart will feel ever stronger the more that you do this and the more that you bring your attention to it. EXPAND and OPEN!”

– excerpt of divine messages channeled for humanity, by Eluna (from the above YouTube video).

(Note: The Arcturians are benevolent ascended consciousness of the Arcturus star system. In my reiki healing practice, they have appeared in their etheric form to help with DNA healing of my clients and my friends whose 3rd eye is activated could see them literally! Our Universe is huge and there are many benevolent E.T. races monitoring and helping humanity heal and raise our level of awareness to Unity Consciousness- the notion that we are all One … family of Source/Creator.)

Destined To Rise Or Fall?

“Selfishness leads to the fall in consciousness of mankind. Acting purely in the interest of self with no consideration of others or to the detriment of them lowers one’s vibration. This is equivalent to choosing the path of darkness- the extreme end of duality. Those whose heart and mind have compassion and consideration for self as well as the rest of humanity, indirectly chooses the other end of the Dark/Light spectrum. In truth everyone is choosing a path during these times of great changes or multiple opportunities of transitioning. And that which one calls Destiny is actually within control of the individual. Therefore what lies ahead of you is determined by what lies within you. In any moment, you CAN change your life..by making a new decision, in this Year of Abundance of choice points. Choose well!”