Life’s Plan Before Birth

The above is one of numerous Near Death Experience (NDE) cases I have come across over the past few decades. I choose to highlight this particular one (enclosed video above) as it is a prime example of how even horrible experiences were actually chosen before one’s incarnation. This case features a lady who died momentarily and her soul left her body after an overdose of substances. Although she is an atheist, she gained an insightful revelation why she spent most of her life as an addict and led a sexually abusive life. After her soul returned to her physical body, she encountered numerous amazing synchronicities which truly reinforced the notion that we are not victims of life. In my healing practice, the Archangels would pass similar explanations that my clients’ painful or challenging circumstances are part of what they chose in the Spirit World before birth. As they saying goes – there are no accidents in life.

(Note: The video also briefly mentions about the Ascension of Earth from 3D to 5D, which interestingly, is a running theme of my blog.)