Conflicting Religions?

QUESTION: Please enlighten us as to the role of the two great teachers – that is, Buddha and Christ. If one were to literally study each of these two masters’ lives and work, it would appear that they’re not preaching the same truth. Yet, if there is one God, there should be one truth. What is the truth regarding these conflicting teachings? One appears to teach that the end of desires is the gate to immortality or nibbana; the other teaches that by accepting the finished work of redemption on the cross, we have made peace with God and our eternality is assured.

ANSWER: Your question is asked in the posturing of what you’ve been told today. If you were to understand what both really were about, you wouldn’t even ask the question. Today’s “history” is one that has been manipulated by the leaders of these two organized religions.
The idea of accepting the redemption of what took place on the cross doesn’t even relate to the real purpose of the master of love, who was the Christ. That entire scenario was created later from a false assumption, and did well for those who would control the population with religion (which history will show they did). The Buddha (Siddhartha) also has not had his full true passion revealed. The teachings of both were sequestered early on, and revamped to suit the needs of those who would be in control of the teachings.
The above information may sadden you, but be aware that you can “tap” in to both of these great masters anytime you wish. And when you do, you’ll discover that the truth is the same. The ultimate liberation for all beings is within you. You’re eternally assured of peace with God because you are a piece of God. Even the master Christ told you that you could be exactly like him… a son of God. How do you justify that information against what eventually became the doctrine? Are you at all concerned that there was no Rapture when it was “scheduled”? Did you know that Christ taught about your past incarnations? Where is that in scripture? Why is it missing?
Things aren’t always as they seem, and you must now “look past” what men have given you or taken away. Look past what they manipulated and removed from the teachings of both, and instead, now it’s time to pull from the truth within. When you do, you’ll peacefully justify all the teachings of the great masters, given from culture to culture, that taught unity for all and exposed the grandness of the Human Being.
Do not let this shake your faith, for the Love of God is still supreme in all these things, and if you seek, you’ll discover the true messages, and then you’ll love these masters all the more.

[Note: The above answer was relayed by Kryon via channeler, Mr.Lee Carroll.]

A Tough Call

How do you help the world on a global basis if you are not resourcefully rich nor politically influential?         

There is one answer that several ‘gifted’ people commonly known as mediums or channelers have relayed – By sending light of unconditional love to the planet, as Earth has energetic grids which affect the psyche of humans living on it. And so recently, I did just that. I wondered if it had any effect, so I asked Archangel Michael whether there is any message from the consciousness of the planet (also known as Gaia). Interestingly, the message was to specifically direct the energy to USA! Since Archangel Michael’s messages to me in the past have proven correct, I then organized a synchronized prayer to send divine energy to that country. During the session, a clairvoyant saw the surface of earth cracking and oozing with reddish color. She felt there seems to be so much hate and anger in that country right now. Synchronistically , on the same day, another gifted male said when he pondered upon the chakra balancing symbol for heart chakra, he intuitively thought of USA. When I consulted Archangel Michael once again, that being explained that it meant Americans in general have a weak heart chakra now. This implies there is a lack of love and compassion towards one another.       

Perhaps this has something to do with the choice of Mr. Trump as their president. Months ago, several gifted people channeled that Trump will be the one who will ‘stir up issues’ for better or for worse. It’s like a wake-up call somewhat for the population and in the long run, the citizens will collectively have to decide the direction of their nation. That notion seems to tie in with the card reading for 2017, I obtained from Archangel Metatron in January this year. Indeed it seems to be coming true that this is a year for decision-making. For a long time, many citizens couldn’t be bothered with politics due to their apathy or feeling unable to make a difference. However times have changed and Year 2017 is known as Year of 1 (numerology wise) that connotes new beginnings and self-leadership. That basically means people are urged to speak up or voice their opinion, instead of adopting the “I couldn’t care less” attitude.        
In the end, the question that begs to be answered is this – “Do we make our decisions based on fear and hatred or love and tolerance?”