The Divine Darkness

Darkness is the absence of Light.

It provides a contrast for Light.

If all is surrounded by Light,

It does not stand out.

As such, an appreciation for Light,

Is created by Darkness.

It also the darkest period of our lives,

Which provides the greatest opportunity for us,

To shine our light.

An illumination of higher vibrations,

Which exude compassion, courage,perseverance,benevolence,etc.

As such, Darkness is the great facilitator of Light.

The misunderstood twin of the Divine set- up of Earth.

Live By Your Truth

Billions of people inhabit Earth.

None is exactly the same.

To allow others to voice their truth,

Is to accord them respect.

To live by our own,

Is to honor our being.

Being true to oneself,

Is to embrace the truths that resonate with our heart,

And to discard those which serve us not.

Only then, do we find ourselves,

And not be lost…

In the belief of others.

But when the truth is of Love,

It is big enough …

To accommodate all shades of belief.

To live and let live …

Is to live that truth.

Dealing With Duality Of Life

“How can we see past the duality and deal with it?”

“Consider it a staple of your challenge, and instead of trying to void it, contain and conquer it. In this mixture, include fear, for it’s the brother of duality.

When you have a storm, you don’t try to find out what caused it and eliminate the source, since the source is the system of atmosphere all around you and also sustains you. It’s impossible to get rid of the source of storms without destroying the system. Instead, you build lighthouses and ships or buildings that can withstand the force. That’s when you’re safe, peaceful, and feel you’ve contained it… when your personal life is no longer affected. The storm rages on, and so will duality. But the lighthouse was built for storms, and feels very calm about the whole life experience.”

– The above is an answer from the entity Kryon about tackling the dichotomy of life, as channeled by Mr. Lee Carroll.

One Leads To Another

Sometimes things get harder before they become easier,

Sometimes relationship becomes more bitter before it turns sweeter,

Sometimes conditions grow darker before they emerge lighter,

But always … life rebounds,

For Our Purpose is far grander,

Than we care to remember.

One leads to another…

Taking us further and further.

In times of defeat,

We retreat …

To the kindest understanding,

That life is about learning … and not suffering.

Learning that opposites are no better than the other …

Just helping us play better.

And that …

Is all that matters.

The Brightest Day

The world is as beautiful as we can imagine it.

Our life is as wonderful as we can live it.

Our sight is as far as can we set it.

The brightest day …

With the most beautiful skyline,

Occurs in the best moment of our life.

And that takes place when our sight is the clearest …

Visualizing the grandest potential,

While expressing our deepest gratitude …

For life…. for love … and for the knowledge …

That life is forever.

“Letting Go Increases Our Gains.”

The aforementioned statement may seem to be an anomaly.

But much wisdom lies in the saying.

When we let go of our fixed ideas …

Of how life should or should not be …

Of how others should or should not behave,

We indirectly empty our minds and make room for tranquility.

We make a peace offering to ourselves and the world.

Exchanging human drama with inner calming thoughts.

So simple is this truth … yet so beneficial and beautiful, it is to the soul.

Simplicity as such, is an art of living.

So, Live by simply letting go … and letting God.

For in the end we gain so much by letting go.

We gain a heart of gold and …

A mind in alignment with our divine Soul.

The Divine Needs Nothing, The Human Wants Something.

Those who had undergone deep soul searching would have realized …

They actually need nothing from this physical world.

The reason is … ALL that they will ever need lies within themselves.

The source of happiness, courage, compassion, love, etc. is truly found inside every individual.

Wanting on the other hand is an act of a human being who is not fully aware of his own existence and divinity.

Due to the belief of lack by one’s ego , the human being tries to attain “desired states of emotion” via purchasing material objects, accumulating titles, acquiring memberships,etc.

Such acts only create temporary states of fulfillment but in the end, the wanting surfaces again -causing endless cycles of searching for something that could help compensate the imagined lack in oneself.

One of the greatest truths of life, is that our soul is adequate on all counts. The conditioning of society is the chief reason as to why one chooses the passive self of insufficiency. Advertisements usually project a sense of inadequacy with it’s viewers causing them to want what the vendors are selling. Governments too, inject fear into the masses, deceiving them to continuously vote for them.

Now, more than ever, people should start to obtain answers away from external sources. The path to enlightenment is … the road leading inward.

In truth, we are more magnificent than we could ever imagine.

Spending moments of silence each day, reflecting on the inner self helps us to re-connect with our powerful Source of energy.

Only then, do we realize, we are perfect beings of light – needing nothing but only wanting something when we shift our consciousness back to being just a human.

So, ultimately the following question begs to be answered:

Who do we choose to be?

Thoughts Are Powerful ‘Things’ In Life!

Most people who only believe in our three dimensional world are usually concerned with physical action, thinking that thoughts are harmless in life.

Thoughts may be invisible but these are vibrations of energy which can be discerned.

It is a fact that once energy is created, it cannot be destroyed. Vibratory thoughts emanated from us go out into the environment and interact with other beings. Thus it is important that we be mindful of our thoughts.

When we think of worrying thoughts, such as how bad things may turn up, such lower vibrations of energy attract like energy to us, by way of the Law of Attraction. Also, if we worry too much about a loved one, our inner thoughts of fear become thought-forms which may actually draw negativity to the said person.

It is imperative for us to understand that every single person is essentially a field of energetic vibrations. Certain people use terms, like ‘ auric field ‘ to describe this point. Thought-forms could easily attach to such fields of energy. People who are very sensitive to energy (or empaths) agree with this notion, as they are aware that sometimes the negativity they are feeling did not originate from themselves. Instead, the lower vibrations were absorbed from their family members, friends, colleagues or strangers.

Places such as police stations, hospitals, exam halls are prime examples where much ‘stressful’ thought-forms exist. As such, visitors to these places may feel a sense of nervousness upon entering.

It would be beneficial to everyone, if we hold onto positive thoughts, because then we would be sending out higher frequency of energies. Thus , if we care for someone dearly, we should imagine that person in good health, succeeding or simply being joyful. This will benefit the said person more than worrying, because the latter has a direct opposite effect!

Hence there is great wisdom in religion which reminds us to be mindful of our thoughts, words and deeds. Awareness is the key to our liberation.

Activation Day – 11.11.11

The 11th of November 2011 is deemed to be a significant day by many and deservedly so.

Intuitively, the date resonates with the human race.

Many people are celebrating it as Global Peace day, whilst others are choosing to exchange their marriage vows on that date. Many other events will also take place to coincide with it including the launching of big budget movies by Hollywood.

To those on the spiritual path, they are aware that on 11.11.11 at 11:11am , the ancient Crystalline Energy Grid will receive it’s 11th stage of Activation. The Grid is intricately linked to the massive deposits of crystals beneath the surface of Earth.

Crystals are well known to be efficient receivers and transmitters of energy as these vibrate at higher resonances of energy. In addition they also act as energetic amplifiers sending vibrations into Earth’s environment which in turn interact with our human field of consciousness or our Theta field of energy.

On this auspicious day, codes of divine information will be transmitted throughout the world and these speak of Oneness. Feminine energy will also be transmitted to balance the existing dominant masculine energy. With the activation of the Crystalline Grid and it’s transmission of high frequency knowledge, the nett effect will be such that duality or the ‘Yin’ and ‘Yang’ influences of life are lessened.

What this means to the physical human beings is that their left and right hemisphere brains will develop greater lines of communication via the increased occurrences bio-electrical pulses. The leads to the melding of the logical Ego self and intuitive Higher Self. Cases of epiphany will increase within the masses.

Truly, it is a significant date for a united consciousness. A day to be celebrated and to be remembered.

The human race has lived on Earth for so very long, enduring the challenges caused by the dichotomy of life. Alas, all the hardship and that which has been termed as ‘suffering’ have not gone in vain.

And now, an invitation is being granted to everyone, to ascend to a new way of life. The path to Oneness is the path of Love … And Love is the light, which lights our Life here and beyond.

And so it is.

Have a lovely reunion of the hearts!

The REAL game of Life!

A little wisdom goes a long way,

In handling the cards we have been dealt with in life.

Everyone wants to get a straight flush,

But in most cases,

It remains just a dream.

Even getting a pair of Aces,

Is rare and far between.

Though the Kings and Queens are elusive,

The game still has to be played.

With wisdom, the cards could be rearranged…

Calling upon the best card for each moment.

Ultimately, the emphasis is on our strategy…

And not whether the game is to be won or lost.

As such, the REAL reward lies …

In the thrill and experience of playing.

So, play with wisdom and play to one’s content.

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