Manipulated Inflation And Food Shortage?

“They are going to keep raising the prices. The inflation will keep going up. This is only the beginning. The people’s salaries will stay the same or start to go down. The people are going to start to stress. That is why we say .. minimum stock up. Stock up items now. Try to become self-sufficient. Try to have at least have a veggie garden or something. Communities must stand together now!

– excerpt of channeled advice for humanity during a recent Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) session from South Africa.

The above is one of the consistent advice found in different hypnotherapy sessions that I have listened to over the past 2 years concerning impending price increases and food shortage. What can be inferred from these sessions, is that such problems are not a natural progression but seem to be the work of certain parties. In the last 10 years of my blog, I have been writing about how the world has been under the control of very rich and powerful people, who don’t have the best interest of ordinary citizens. Way back in year 2020, when sporadic groups of people warned that there was an negative agenda behind the virus and the subsequent release of the “vaccine”, governments and the mainstream media were quick to dismiss that as conspiracy theory. Fast forward to year 2022, when so many studies have shown the numerous side effects of the vaccines and the recording of high number vaccine injuries/deaths, that theory seems more believable now than ever.

(Note: A recent article on how information is censored by many parties including social media about harmful side effects of the jab –

Towards the end of year 2021, a divine message from another QHHT session warned that when the people start getting tired of the virus and vaccine agenda and shift their focus away from it, the “power crazy” parties will roll out other plans to keep the population in fear and panic. The rationale is simple – people in fear can easily be manipulated. In my blogging, I have repeatedly mentioned that we have moved on to the new Age of Aquarius, whereby the theme is about self-empowerment. Individuals will awaken during these times to lock horns with those in power. Dysfunctional norms and mismanagement will no longer be tolerated by the masses. A good example would be what’s taking place in Sri Lanka. The collective protests in that country compelled the President and Prime Minister to resign. (Interestingly the Italy Prime Minister, UK Prime Minister, Israel Prime Minister have resigned this year too.) Another recent example would be the Dutch farmers’ protest in Netherlands (see enclosed photo).

In summary, there will likely be more hurdles ahead for the general population in the next few years. Thus, during these times, it’s good to Be Empowered And Not Be Subdued.

(After note : The enclosed lengthy article talked in great detail about the agenda of the “Food Shortage”, which ties in with this blogpost

And The Solution Is LOVE!

“The most important lesson is to Love. There’s no other lesson than to love. Love is a gift. Love is from Source. Source is in everyone and everyone is from Source. Therefore everyone should be loved... therefore actions which don’t express love are ones that should be changed. Whether it is driving and being angry with a circumstance, whether it’s being sad at someone’s circumstance of making poor choices, whether it’s sad at failing to make an optimal choice, these should all be converted to LOVE.”

“Everything is about love. Change brings opportunity to love more. Loss is a form of change. Love can survive change and there will be changes. Loss is any change of expectation. It can be personal. It can be emotional. It can be physical. But the right reaction is to understand that Love survives everything. This is a lesson to be learned.”

– excerpt of divine messages channeled during a recent past life regression (hypnotherapy) conducted by Laron G.S. which also seem to apply to humanity at large during these times of great changes.

It’s Time To Let Go! (TOP GUN Movie Quote)

A touching scene from the movie Maverick : Top Gun

The above is a snapshot of the hit movie Maverick : Top Gun featuring Tom Cruise and Val Kilmer. That scene touched many moviegoers and even men who seldom cry, had tears in their eyes. Basically in that scene, Val Kilmer’s character was advising Tom Cruise’s character to let go of the painful past and move on in life. I can certainly relate to it because that’s also the spiritual message I have been getting from my own angelic communication for my clients. (I work as an energy healer i.e. reiki practitioner). Majority of my clients suffer from holding on to passive thoughts and harmful emotions (guilt, regret,anger,grief,fear,dismay,etc) . So, to truly heal oneself, I opine that we really need to LET GO.

The practice of letting go is even more important during these times of volatility. What is transpiring now on the planet is what I have been blogging in the past decade. The dreaded 2012 year didn’t see the demise of the human race as predicted by many prior to it. Instead it signified the beginning of a new time cycle that would result in huge CHANGES. Holding on to things that no longer serve us would certainly be dreadful. As the actress Dolly Parton has said “If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.” So, to survive and thrive, we need to lighten up by dropping the heavy mental and emotional baggage. And this is what ancient Mayans predicted about 2012… the end of an old cycle and the beginning of a new one that would bring many opportunities for the collective to shift their consciousness (thoughts, feelings, beliefs, etc) to something that’s better than before.