Dance Of Life!

“This is all just a dance. It’s going to be okay, no matter what is playing out around you. No matter what unfolds, please keep dancing, smiling, loving and above all, shining your lights. There is so much magic you can’t see happening behind the scenes and the light on the Other Side of all of this is SO bright. There is so much to be hopeful for. All of this fear you are manifesting shows you just how powerful you are. You just have to choose…choose to accept you ARE the creators. What you believe is what you will see, not the other way around.”

“You have to feel into what you want.. FEEL IT, and KNOW you deserve it. This is your signal to the Universe that this is what you want. The Universe will fill in the pieces, and make it better than you could have ever possibly imagine. Don’t hold attachment or expectation to the outcome. This can cause blocks to the outcome. You WILL be provided that which is for your highest good. TRUST it and it will come … all in divine timing. That IS the dance.”

– a message for humanity from the Higher Self, during a quantum healing session (hypnotherapy) facilitated by Nina Morrocco.


Perhaps the above messages are worth digesting after a tumultuous year, which many in the spiritual circle have described 2020 as the Year of Great Awakening. I have read many cases of how people (who previously drew high salaries) after losing their jobs because of the pandemic, drew inner strength and humility to take gig-economy jobs (e.g. Uber driver) to support their families. Others took time during the lockdown to rekindle their relationship with their loved ones. Also there were those who through introspection, discovered what their potential is and the things that truly matter to them.

On the flip side, I have also read and personally know of cases whereby people caved in to fear/panic and are now suffering from depression. Quite a few have even attempted suicide. As such, I can see the wisdom of the aforesaid quantum healing messages : we truly ARE the creators of our personal reality. In closing, may more people focus on what they wish to manifest in Year 2021 by tuning into the things they LOVE, instead of what they fear.

Finding Answers From Beyond

In my healing profession (reiki with angelic communication), I receive repeated validation of the saying “everything happens for a reason”. Often our conscious ego self may not know all the answers behind the numerous challenges ( health problems, financial failures, accidents, physical abuse/injury, family conflicts, tumultuous relationship,etc.) on Earth as a human. Hypnotherapy is one of several ways to find the answers, as illustrated in the many cases (clients) of the late Dr. Michael Newton and his students. Hypnotherapy helps people to tap their sub-conscious mind to remember what they planned in the Spirit World before their incarnation. The plan often includes lessons/test/challenges, which spiritual people frequently describe as karma or unfinished business from past lives. When I consult the Archangels such as Archangel Michael on my clients’ problems, I get similar answers as those found in the hypnotherapy sessions.

Fairly recently, I received a prompting from Archangel Chamuel to purchase a book called “Wisdom Of Souls” (book cover shown above), a compilation of cases by Dr. Michael Newton’s students. The book doesn’t disappoint as it provides samples of reasons for cancer, Alzheimer’s , brain trauma, depression, suicide, rape, dysfunctional families, money woes, addictions, etc.. During these times of COVID-19, economic downturn and political struggles, perhaps even more are seeking answers than before. Those who have undergone similar hypnotherapy sessions (e.g. QHHT, BQH) this year were also able to get answers to their problems , including the spiritual reason behind the pandemic.

Lee Carroll, who has been channeling accurate information from the Spirit World about world events for the past 3 decades, said that there’s a bias in our news reporting. The media only seem to be fixated in painting a picture of doom and gloom. Lee Carroll elaborated that years from now, when the many challenges have been overcome, humanity will look back and feel that such times helped recalibrate all that which is not appropriate…relationship, business, politics, religion, healthcare will be revamped and inappropriateness such as corruption , lack of integrity and the darker side of humanity will be exposed. Right now, the divine message is “You don’t know ..what you don’t know” because our physical brain cannot think beyond 3D. I believe that methods such as the aforementioned hypnotherapy can help bypass the limited thinking that we have. When we remember why we chose to incarnate during these times, resentment towards life will slowly dissipate.

In the end, our experiences enlighten and evolve our consciousness.

Be A Rebel!

“I feel the need for harmony
And I look around, but it’s not what I see
I see angry faces looking at me
And I want to know what makes them so
For this world can be a dangerous place
But it’s all we got, and it’s quite a lot..take a look at yourself
You may not be the same as everyone else
You’re just different, and that’s okay
We all follow our own way
And if you find that they won’t listen
Then they’ve got nothing to say
So don’t get mad and don’t feel sad
Be a rebel, not a devil”

The above is part of the lyrics of a new song by the legendary New Order band. This blogpost also happens to be the 3rd consecutive post of mine that’s related to songs. I believe the aforementioned lyrics are self-explanatory and somehow I feel that New Order’s lyrics are describing current times about how people may be feeling now. Divine messages channeled by spiritual people over the past months also mentioned how this year as well as 2021 will be laden with upheavals and challenges, so Earth may appear to be a dangerous place to live in right now. In addition each person will likely to react differently and that’s perfectly appropriate. We are each creating our own path based upon our level of consciousness, so there’s no need to get mad if we don’t see eye to eye on all issues.

I would interpret the “Be a rebel, not a devil” part as daring to be our authentic self by expressing our opinion and preference, even if we may seem like an outcast. At the same time, that expression need not be the kind that creates havoc like demonic beings. In short, the idea is to acknowledge our uniqueness and let it show without fear, while allowing others to do the same. If humanity can practise this, then I opine we will be able to show Unconditional Love 💕 to all i.e. loving self and others equally without any negative judgment. If the Source/Creator wanted all of us to behave exactly the same, we wouldn’t have been bestowed with different personalities. But though we are different, we can still live in harmony as One family … of humanity.

Be a rebel!