Be Brave!

Songs can really inspire if the lyrics are positive/meaningful and are coupled with a great tune. The aforementioned music video features one of such songs. The very famous singer Taylor Swift even admitted she loved it, when the song was originally released a few years ago. The following is an excerpt of the lyrics…

“You can be amazing

You can turn a phrase into a weapon or a drug

You can be the outcast

Or be the backlash of somebody’s lack of love

Or you can start speaking up

Nothing’s gonna hurt you the way that words do

And they settle ‘neath your skin

Kept on the inside and no sunlight

Sometimes a shadow wins

But I wonder what would happen if you

Say what you wanna say

And let the words fall out

Honestly I wanna see you be brave

Everybody’s been there, everybody’s been stared down

By the enemy

Fallen for the fear and done some disappearing

Bow down to the mighty

Don’t run, stop holding your tongue

Maybe there’s a way out of the cage where you live

Maybe one of these days you can let the light in

Show me how big your brave is

Say what you wanna say

And let the words fall out

Honestly I wanna see you be brave

Innocence, your history of silence

Won’t do you any good

Did you think it would?

Let your words be anything but empty

Why don’t you tell them the truth?

Say what you wanna say

And let the words fall out

Honestly I wanna see you be brave”

…And with courage, ALL things become possible in Life.

Life – What’s Important?

“You’ve got to recognise the joy and responsibility of bringing everybody with you. And when you do that, by being kind, being compassionate, inclusive and straight up just being good to people, that’s what matters, that’s where the real power is.”

“It’s nice to be important but it’s MORE important to be nice.”

-Dwayne Johnson (also known as “The Rock”) successful actor and professional wrestler.

The Human Awakens

Years ago, a very intuitive and gifted man, Lee Carroll channeled a divine message (from an evolved consciousness called Kryon) that more kids will start to remember their past lives. He asked parents and grandparents to observe what the children would reveal. Those who don’t believe in reincarnation will scoff at this idea but the above video (a compilation of 10 children who remembered their past incarnations with great personal details) may rattle a person’s rigid belief system.

Almost 3 decades ago, Lee Carroll also channeled a message that our Earth’s magnetic grid will shift greatly than before. As of today, this has been noted by scientists and the aviation industry. Lee’s subsequent messages indicated that magnetism postures our communication with our DNAs and these double helixes have a multi-dimensional field around them. Dr. Bruce Lipton, a well known scientist and lecturer often talks about a field that surrounds our body and this field contains information, that includes all the conditioning and programming from our past. Many spiritual people believe that the memories of our past lives are stored within this field, and some have labelled it the Akashic records. It is opined that the shifting of the planet’s magnetic grid is awakening the human’s Akash, leading to more people remembering their past lives.

Although I am not a scientist nor a channeler like Lee Carroll, I could relate to the above information. I remember years ago, Archangel Michael indicated to me that the child of a friend of mine is a reincarnation of the child’s grandfather. This may seem ludicrous but my friend admitted that her kid’s behaviour has an uncanny resemblance to the grandparent’s mannerism. I believe that as Earth’s energy grid continues to shift coupled with the influx of solar flares, the consciousness of humans will expand further. What may seem crazy in the past, might become a reality in the future. Also, Astrologers speak of Earth moving into a new period of time i.e. the age of Aquarius or the awakening and enlightenment of the planet’s inhabitants.

In December 2018, Archangel Metatron told me the potential of 2019 and said that this year would see the return of Christ Consciousness. What this implies is that more people will start to question the meaning of life and awaken to their true nature- as souls, we are ALL connected. When humans start to feel this connection, they will move away from divisive politics or limiting regulations. This may appear in the form of demonstrations demanding justice and equality or gatherings promoting peace and kindness. Archangel Metatron further indicated that there will be many instances in 2019 that will compel humans to open their hearts and connect with one another. By now, almost half of 2019 has passed and I can see evidences of Metatron’s revelation coming true in the form of people rallying together after an act of terrorism/violence (e.g. New Zealand’s case) and many ‘high ranking’ / famous people losing their jobs/status due to their lack of compassion or integrity.

So I believe the pertinent question of our time is… “Are you awakened yet?”

Creativity – A Double Edged Sword?

In spiritual teachings, we are told that humans were made in the image of the Creator. Upon contemplation, I opine this to be true. Being offsprings of the Creator, we inherited its powerful ability to create.

Success is the result of us being creative in finding solutions to our problems, whereas …

Failure is the outcome of us being creative in making excuses for not succeeding, before we even try.

Either way, we ARE creative.