Transmuting Imbalance

In my healing practice (reiki), often I get divine visitations from Archangels, Ascended Masters as well as Elemental Beings, for various reasons. However in the past 6 months, I received a similar message from several visitations including one I received early this morning from a Pheonix consciousness. The common message was that a significant proportion of humans aren’t balanced now. Hours later when I consulted Goddess of Mercy, Kuan Yin for clarification, she explained that the chief problem is emotional and mental imbalance of people during these times. She added that the main reasons behind this are stress/worries,etc due to

1) financial problems or their countries’ weak economy

2) political instability of their government

3) impact of natural disasters.

Kuan Yin said this is one of the themes called CHANGE that Ascended Master Mary Magdalene told me when describing the potential of Year 2024, which I blogged earlier. She said there are great changes in the banking industry happening this year with many banks facing a possible collapse due to lack of integrity . Also, citizens of many countries are scheduled to have their general election and as such there will be great uncertainty ahead. Last but not least, Earth will continue to see more quakes, flooding, etc leading to loss of lives and properties in the next 365 days.

I proceeded to ask Kuan Yin as to how the masses could help balance themselves to which 2 suggestions were given as follows:

1) Sit quietly, relax and do several minutes of breathing exercises. As one exhales, it’s encouraged one says “I release all my worries, concerns and anything causing imbalance within myself. I release, I release, I let go.”

2) Focus upon Violet colour or one can view the picture of an Amethyst crystal as shown at the top of this post, and say “I give intention to receive the Violet Ray to transmute all forms of imbalance in me. I receive this ray to help me clear all dis-ease and disharmony. I surrender them now.”

I hope through the posting of this article, readers could heal and balance themselves with the aforesaid suggestions, if they are open to it. It is my fervent hope that everyone is able to ride out the waves of CHANGE of this year.

Escaping The Matrix?

As I was enjoying my coffee this morning, a being from the Lyran star constellation prompted me to write about the Matrix of life. I then turned to asking Archangel Metatron to define this so-called Matrix that many spiritual people including scientists, have been talking about over the years. If my answers are accurate then the following would be the reply from this angelic consciousness :

“The Matrix is an energy field of multiple dimensions that span across the whole Universe and there are multiple dimensions overlapping every planet. For the majority of people on Earth, after their physical death their consciousness ascend to the upper 4th dimension, which many term it as Heaven. However there exist many more subtle realms of higher frequencies. Your Universe comprises 12 dimensions, so there is much your soul or consciousness hasn’t experienced and this is why there was a divine download to the creator of the movie The Matrix, so that the concept could be introduced to the masses.”

“Your human body is merely a vessel for you to experience the 3D world. However many souls have been transitioning between the 3D and 4D in the numerous birth and death cycles without going beyond the 5th dimension and higher. But now you have reached a point where your Earth has entered a photonic belt that helps to raise the vibration of not only Earth but its inhabitants, namely the human race. This is the Great Awakening that many of the spiritual teachers talk about. Others term it as the emergence of the New Earth. It’s about souls remembering who they truly are – multi-dimensional consciousness, who have the ability to traverse multi realms of existence co-existing simultaneously. You even have a renowned channeler by the name of Lee Carroll who has repeatedly channeled a divine reminder – ‘Don’t think like a human being. Think like a spiritual being.’ “

“Through individual’s freedom, each can choose to go beyond the ‘layers of reality’ or not. One of the ways to achieve that is to drop the limited beliefs that many hold on to. Be aware that not all beings wish that you progress and ascend. Often these are the ones who propagate fear and control over your mind. Be circumspect, dear one. Align your mind with your heart intelligence to discern.”

Understanding Suffering

The above is an enlightening video about a man who had a Near Death Experience (NDE) when he was just a teenager. After surviving the brush of death, he developed a heightened sense of intuition that allowed him to tap into divine wisdom for answers in life. The following is an excerpt of his sharing:

“Life is a game… it’s a play.. it’s momentary… The suffering that we experience is necessary for our spiritual growth. Your suffering has made you stronger. Your suffering has made you understand- every time you were sick , you wanted more wellness and you appreciated it when you were well. Every time you were lonely.. it caused you to recognise how much you enjoy company with others.. and all those things in life that seem to be so difficult and hard and overwhelming , if you can find the gratitude in that they are showing you what you do want .. they are the guidepost .. it’s pointing the way what you do want!”

In this New Year, I believe it’s good to learn to appreciate and express gratitude for all that we already have instead of complaining or hurling abuses about what we don’t like to see. In so doing, it shifts our focus that can align us with more desirable outcomes in life.

The Themes Of 2024.

In late December of 2023, I was visited by the spirit of Ascended Master, Mary Magdalene (also known as the wife of Jesus) who gave me certain personal messages. I took the opportunity to also ask about the potential of 2024 or the themes best describing the possible events that may take place on Earth, since the answers I got from Archangel Metatron about 2023 was accurate. The reason why divine beings tend to give rather accurate ‘predictions’ is probably because they can sense the strongest potential or possibilities among the multiple timelines that co-exist. The answer I got from Mary Magdalene were three words namely (1) ABUNDANCE (2) EXPANSION (3) CHANGE.

Interestingly, when I was reading the website The Japan Times for the description about Chinese Zodiac signs , it described 2024 as the Year of Wood Dragon and that article had similar descriptions I got from Mary Magdalene! An excerpt of that article is as follows:

“Represented by the only mythical — and the most powerful — creature of the 12-animal Chinese zodiac, the Year of the Dragon is considered special.

The legendary magical beast is symbolic of authority, honor and dignity, particularly in China, where it has represented imperial power since ancient times. In Japan, it also plays a role in the religions of Shintoism and Buddhism.

As the luckiest and most auspicious of the 12 animals, the dragon is thought to signify unprecedented opportunities. In a dragon year, people are said to be able to harness the creature’s intelligence, leadership and abilities to pursue their dreams with creativity, passion, courage and confidence.

‘The overall energy of a dragon year is vital and competitive, with people feeling a strong urge to gain respect and achievement,’says Hong Kong-based Chinese and Western astrologer Jupiter Lai…..

The upcoming Year of the Dragon, though, may bring even more gusto due to the alignment of three key energies, according to astrologers.

Following the Chinese calendar, which rotates in 60-year cycles based on 12 earthly branches — each represented by an animal year — and five heavenly stems — wood, fire, earth, metal and water — Feb. 10 marks the start of the Year of the Wood Dragon (though Japan starts its zodiac from Jan. 1). The dragon’s transformative power combines with the nurturing wood element, offering opportunities for evolution, improvement and abundance.

Add to this duo the timing of the new moon on Feb. 9, which ‘creates a cycle of expansion,’ and people can enjoy ‘a triple dose of positive influence’ in 2024, says Hawaii-based astrologer Cathryn Moe.

Indeed, the year ahead presents a time for fresh starts and the laying of foundations for long-term accomplishments, according to scholars of East Asia.”

The similarity didn’t just end there as a psychic, Marilyn Harper who has been channeling messages from higher consciousness for more than two decades , delivered the following messages about 2024 on 1st January of this year :-

“2024 , the numerology of that is an 8 (2+0+2+2). It is about abundance! It’s about infinite connection.. it’s about caring.. the infinite caring of one energy to another .. of one human to another human… caring for your self and for others. This year, 2024 ..being diligent in paying attention to your financial abundance .. abundance of friends, family , all beings around you .. it’s about being a good steward of this Earth… The energy of this year as we see it – energy of connection… When you have that , you cannot help but care about how this planet is evolving. The people of this planet is evolving to see a new way of living… the divine solution to all aspects of what you have seen in the past. The past is done… So we ask you, how would you like this year of 2024 to flow? ..Abundance-you may think it may just mean money but it does not.. It means abundance of all things . What kind of abundance would you like to see for the world to evolve into ? Focus on that.”

After Note: Days after posting the above, I chanced upon a video on hypnosis channeling talking about the significance of Dragons in 2024 (see video below). I do believe there’s an element of truth about it as Dragons are celestial beings (higher dimension consciousness) that do exist as I have been visited by them before and several of my clairvoyant friends have seen them too with their 3rd eye.