Love & Passion

It’s a house

Not a home,

When love is missing,

In the room.

It is just labor,

Not a career,

If passion is lacking

In one’s effort.

Only with eyes opened,

Can we see,

That which is most needed,

Is something called alignment,

Of our action with our heart.

As such, Life becomes meaningless,

When we lose our passion and love in life.

Love is the fuel that feeds us,

Passion is the engine that drives us.

Messages From Beyond – Michael Jackson

There are many gifted people who are able to talk to ‘the departed’ and the more established mediums are people like John Edwards, James Van Praagh, Lisa Williams and Teresa Caputo, who have all done live readings on TV shows and have written best selling books. However , not too long ago, a lesser known medium by the name of Emanuelle McIntosh has impressed me with her mediumship ‘talent’ . One of her more interesting sessions (recorded on YouTube) is her spirit communication with the legendary Michael Jackson. I was so touched by that reading and the information revealed by the late singer about his personal life. Interestingly, while watching the video, I received a divine nudge to write about that session. Hence, the reason for this blogpost.

As most people would already know, Michael was a talented but extremely private person. In the aforesaid spirit communication, Michael revealed that he had no one to really open up to during his incarnation and was also suspicious of the motives of those who appeared to be supportive of him. He explained that his strict and harsh upbringing by his father Joseph, had a huge negative impact on his character. He lamented that he didn’t have the time to grow up naturally like other children. He was forced to train hard and was put into the limelight at an early age. Because of all the scolding and beating by his father when he didn’t lived up to his expectation, he was in constant fear and his self-worth was diminished. He also felt guilty when his brothers were punished by his father, when they didn’t perform as well as him during training. All the trauma led him to become a guarded and reclusive adult. When he was alone, he spent a lot of time day-dreaming and that ironically helped him receive divine inspiration for his songs easily. As such, he didn’t need to sit down and struggle to write the next song, like other artistes.

According to the spirit of Michael, his happiest moments came when he was playing with children, because he felt those children were just being themselves and had no filters like adults. He also clarified that he had never abused the kids. His biggest regret was that he never got a chance to find his true self, because he was forced to become an adult at an early age. Also, he was never taught to express his emotions and as such, had to keep his feelings all to himself. Despite the turmoil he went through, the millions of lives who were touched by his effort made his struggle worth it. His parting words were for parents to give ample room and time to their children to grow and discover themselves gradually. Even if the children made mistakes, he explained that every set back, should be viewed as a step up. This last statement reminds me of the advice by many holistic healers that it is imperative for everyone to nurture their inner child…to always live, play and grow at his/her own pace.

To those who wish to listen to the Youtube clip, just click on the link below.

(Note: Because Earth is a planet of free will, it’s entirely up to the viewer to believe the content of the aforementioned video or otherwise.)

Fame & Fortune

I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it’s not the answer.

– quote of wisdom from the famous actor/comedian Jim Carrey.