Ending Suicidal Thoughts

The above video interview is about Chris Batts, a man whose mother threw him in a dumpster when he was only sixth months old! After he was saved, he had suicidal thoughts for the most part of his life. At one point , he “died” due to jumping out of a car. His soul left his physical vessel , only to meet with his guardian angels. When his soul came back into his body, he developed an ability which allowed him to have constant communication with his guides. Now he advises people to avoid suicide as it’s really NOT the solution to whatever problems they are facing. I didn’t hesitate to share this video when I chanced upon it today, for 2 reasons… (1) many other out-of-body / near-death experiences like the above, which I have come across are similar in nature (e.g. survivors developing a new ‘psychic gift’ after returning from their brief moment in the spirit world) (2) I get answers on how to help my clients in my healing profession from Angelic beings (e.g. Archangel Micheal, Archangel Raphael,etc.)so I do believe in the existence of angelic guides.

Life can be tough, especially with all that has transpired globally this year but there is always a higher purpose for living. To discover it requires inner reflection or some soul-searching. Cases such as Chris Batts serve as a timely reminder of the saying “life is a journey, not a destination” …and the journey is the experience, we all go through in life.

I saw another insightful video about suicide near-death-experience (inserted below) after publishing this blogpost. The subject is a lady who realised that life IS sacred and that we are never “given” challenges that we can’t handle.


A Call For Global Healing

“As soon as I wake up, I always think altruism..that really brings inner peace, inner strength.”

The aforementioned quote is taken from an interview with the Dalai Lama, exiled spiritual leader of Tibet, during the current global lockdown. (See the above YouTube video).

Years ago, the Dalai Lama challenged American scientist Richard Davidson to study the impact of meditation on the brain. Richard discovered that compassion meditation, which the former practises is anti-inflammatory, as it decreases molecules that produce inflammation. The aforesaid meditation, as described by the interviewer (featured in the video) involves “breathing in the suffering” of others and “breathing out compassion” to those who are suffering.

In our fast paced modern times where there is so much focus and reliance on I.T. , many people have been lured into “hard thinking” and pure reliance on logic and analysis, at the expense of the other aspects of our being. In my energy healing profession, I often highlight to my clients the importance of balancing our bodies..physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. I believe the compassion meditation that the Dalai Lama practises and advocates can help “activate” our spiritual side (i.e. by being a caring person), to balance the other 3 bodies, as it has been proven to bring mental calmness, emotional stability and physical good health.

Lee Carroll, a former American engineer who used to be very a logical minded person , experienced spiritual encounters in his 40’s that transformed him to be a very accurate channeler of divine messages for humanity. For the last 3 decades, he relayed so much information that came into fruition, including those that spoke of climate change, shifting of Earth’s magnetic lines, nature of DNAs and the potential future of our planet. Two key phrases of Lee’s channeling came to my mind, while writing this blogpost and these are :

Human Consciousness affects physics” & “Compassion is King”.

Interestingly, the Schumann resonance (regarded as the magnetic pulse of Earth🌎) registered a spike during the Global Meditation for Planetary Healing held on April 4 2020. Was that just a coincidence or was it instead the impact of the collective consciousness of people who meditated on that day? On a personal note, I experienced two divine visitations recently, that became the topics of my previous 2 blogposts i.e. concerning compassion 💕and how we are all connected.

So, to those whose sight goes beyond self and whose heart yearns for peace, may you share a bit of your time and effort daily, by expressing any act of kindness to others in need. No effort is too small as compassion is the truly the King…of healing.


A Solar Eclipse Message

While listening to the soothing music from the above video today, an ascended being called Lady Venus telepathically downloaded a message to me. If my interpretation of it is accurate, then the following would be the train of thought…

“Life is really simple. Only humans make it complicated.

Just show LOVE to ALL…

For what you give to others..is gifted back to you eventually.

It’s cyclical.

It’s the circle ⭕️ in the One, which every being is a part of.”

Spiritual Reminders # Sylvia Browne

In the early hours of the following day after I had posted my previous blogpost entitled “Contact With Spirit”, the spirit of the late psychic medium, Sylvia Browne woke me up from my slumber. Around 15-20 years ago, I used to buy Sylvia’s books about the Afterlife, as the topic fascinated me. However, I slowly lost interest in her newer books because her subsequent “revelations” didn’t resonate with me anymore. The information divulged in her newer publications seemed dubious. Interestingly, Dr. Elisa Medhus uploaded a recent YouTube video (attached above) that featured a psychic medium who managed to contact Sylvia’s spirit. (Note: Dr. Elisa runs a popular website called ‘Channeling Erik’ that shares spiritual information). In the video, Sylvia clarified that information can be lost in translation when a human medium tries to channel messages from the Other Side. The spirit admitted she had ego issues, when she was ‘alive’ and thus she didn’t always relayed accurate spiritual messages. This perhaps helped explain why I had doubted some of her books!

When I was inconveniently awakened by Sylvia’s spirit in the aforementioned early morning, I questioned her purpose. She then touched on the topic of human’s fear and its relation to the current global pandemic. Her spirit indicated that our future is malleable and if humanity collectively worked on themselves to overcome their fear, the pandemic will end sooner. So it seems the future timeline is not a fixed matter. From a biological standpoint, renowned Dr. Bruce Lipton had on many occasions explained that ‘negative’ human emotions (worry/fear) can weaken a body’s immune system. As such, I suppose ridding our fear is not a bad advice at all.

Last but not least, Sylvia suggested that people ‘amp up’ their level of compassion. Maybe this had something to do with the current public anger towards racism. Personally, I have never been fond of inequality since young but I opine it’s better to display loving kindness rather than hatred. I suppose it’s OK to express dissatisfaction but being bitter and angry for a long period of time, may prove to be counterproductive. These days, I just try to tune out of the human drama, although I still read the news to update myself.

(Note : Initially, I was reluctant to write this blogpost about the spirit contact with Sylvia. This was partly due to my skepticism as I was in a ‘half-awakened’ state of being, when I received her messages. Nevertheless, I did so because the core issue was about promoting compassion and dissolving fear. If that can help shift our planet to a better future, I am all for it! Coincidentally, many people have been circulating Sylvia’s past prediction on social media about a “severe pneumonia-like illness” spreading across the globe in year 2020. So by now, the name “Sylvia Browne” may strike a bell, even if they have never been interested in the topic of mediumship.)

A page of Sylvia’s earlier predictions.

Contact With Spirit

There are indeed real life people who are ‘gifted’ enough to ‘see dead people’ and can obtain messages from them, (like in the hit movie ‘Sixth Sense’, which starred Bruce Willis). Often this group of people are described as psychic mediums. Over the past decades I have found established mediums such as James Van Praagh, John Edward and Lisa Williams to be authentic. Recently, someone recommended Thomas John as being another true medium, which is featured in the above video. In it, two ladies apparently received accurate messages from the departed via Thomas and they seemed convinced and impressed.

The intent of this blogpost is to show that our consciousness actually survives physical death. Physical demise is NOT the finality of our existence. This knowledge is perhaps important to those who have lost loved ones recently, during these times of upheaval, as they may need some form of closure. In my energy healing therapy work, sometimes ‘deceased ones’ do make an appearance to relay messages to us still residing in our physical body. As such, I don’t discount psychic mediums as fake. Quite recently, Archangel Jeremiel appeared and indicated to me that my deceased aunt (who succumbed to cancer) wanted a message to be relayed to her brother. Upon enquiry, Jeremiel said she was concerned about him as he was worrying a lot over financial issues. Basically she wanted to help him surrender his worries and trapped emotions. When I called to speak to the said gentleman (my uncle) about the spirit message, he validated it!

As time goes by, the ‘veil’ separating our physical world from the spirit realm will start to thin further. Certain friends of mine have started to get nudging from the Other Side e.g. spontaneously hearing high pitch tones or seeing flashes of light/orbs . Other divine promptings may come in the form of seeing coins, feathers, repeating numbers (e.g. 11:11, 444, 333) multiple times, in a short timeframe. This physical world of ours is like a school for our souls. And physical death is akin to recess, where we go back to the spirit realm/dimension to recuperate and evaluate what we have learned. When we remember this, our fear and sadness over death will start to dissipate.

Our survival is already guaranteed.

The above is one of Lisa Williams’ books about a soul’s journey criss-crossing the physical and spiritual realms.

Self Improvement Through Observation

“I look only to the good qualities of men. Not being faultless myself, I won’t presume to probe into the fault of others.”

– the late Mahatma Gandhi.

Stay Connected !

Synergy – The combined power of a group , when they are working together , is greater than the total power achieved by each, working separately.

The aforementioned word, synergy is often used to explain the benefits and importance of team work e.g. during companies’ motivational talks. Interestingly, in one of my meditations, I was reminded by a divine being on the importance of it especially during these times of global lockdown, that is causing so much physical social distancing. I was ‘told’ that not meeting people face to face or staying at home for long periods of time can have a detrimental effect on a human. When I asked the being -“ How?” , the feedback I received was that separation lowers one’s energy level.

As I am in the healing profession, I asked if it meant the human’s chakras (energy vortices) would be impacted negatively. I got an affirmative answer and was also given the impression that the sacral🧡 and heart 💚chakras would most likely be ‘weakened’. A few days later, I read a message written by a lady who was grieving over her mom’s death during the lockdown. Apparently, the mother passed away in a nursing home, which took care of senior citizens. She explained that the lockdown imposed by the authorities prevented her from physically visiting her mom. However, before the lockdown was implemented, she visited her mom periodically and explained that her mom seemed to be improving health-wise. Hence, she was perplexed as to how her mom’s condition took a turn for the worst, in a short period of time. This story perhaps validated the revelation that I received during my meditation i.e. when we start to separate ourselves from others, our energy level (life force) may decrease.

As citizens in many countries have to abide by lockdowns imposed legally by local authorities, I asked the divine consciousness on how to overcome this separation without breaking the law. I got the reply that we should at least make the effort to communicate with others via phone calls / internet. The whole idea is NOT to lose the human connection, even if people are physically apart. I suppose staying in contact with one another verbally, can still help boost our energy level. Perhaps it might even save a life or two. All of a sudden, this reminds me of the saying – “United We Stand, Divided We Fall”.

(Afternote: Interestingly, about a week after posting the above article, I chanced upon a news article describing a plan in Singapore for virtual befriending sessions, to be conducted via video conferencing to help seniors cope with loneliness due to social isolation.)

Purpose Of Suffering # Lady Gaga

“If … you’re suffering in any type of way, just know that suffering within itself is a sign of your humanity and you are NOT broken. You are connected to the whole world and we are one giant body… And the whole you is having a whole human experience and there might be parts of your life that feel completely shallow or robotic or ancillary and unimportant, and that’s OK, but suffering is a sign that you’re real and it’s a way to ground yourself.”

– a recent quote from Lady Gaga, singer/entertainer.

Once again, a pop star’s quote (Lady Gaga) has caught my attention not because of its raunchiness or vulgarity but for its wisdom. Often we don’t get nuggets of wisdom from entertainers. Lady Gaga’s aforementioned words are similar explanations I give to my clients of my healing profession. Apart from channeling energy to balance my clients’ body through reiki (i.e. divine life force), I also provide counselling by sharing all the things I have learned from my own challenges and the spiritual messages I had gathered from other sources, over the past decades.

Often I explain to my clients that life on Earth is usually not like a walk in the park, although it can be. Challenges in all forms can take place and suffering is part of the human experience. As a human, we get to feel a vast array of emotions and that itself is enriching, as we learn what it is like to be human. The ups and downs of life help create so many lessons that a fairytale life (where everything is perfect) cannot. Many parties have surmised before that we live in a perfectly imperfect world and I concur. And out of that comes growth from overcoming the human suffering. Hence, I believe we ought to treasure life , as Life Is Facilitating Experience… the human experience.

And There Is Still Hope For Humanity

In our Earth’s large population of 7+ billion humans, I have always believed that there is good news to be found or positive developments taking place, despite the predominantly large doses of dire news being reported daily on TV channels and tabloids. Someone shared an article from the website Forbes about the positive side relating to the protest concerning the recent police brutality in U.S.A. . The article put a smile on my face, as it shows proof there is a moral compass within each human and when a person is in touch with one’s heart, one will do the ‘right thing’. The following is an extract of the aforementioned uplifting article…


As protests sparked by George Floyd’s death entered their chaotic fifth day, social media filled with images and video of police officers using batons, tear gas and rubber bullets to quell crowds⁠—but some squads joined in with Saturday protesters to express their stance against police brutality, and to show solidarity with the anti-racism movement.

“We want to be with y’all, for real. I took my helmet off, laid the batons down. I want to make this a parade, not a protest,” Genesee County Sheriff Chris Swanson was seen telling protesters in Flint, Michigan, before he joined the assembled crowd to march, eliciting cheers.

Officers in Camden, New Jersey, helped carry a banner reading “Standing in Solidarity,” and seemed to join in with the crowd chanting “no justice, no peace.”

In Santa Cruz, California, Police Chief Andy Mills took a knee with protesters in the pose made famous by Colin Kaepernick, with the department tweeting it was “in memory of George Floyd & bringing attention to police violence against Black people.”

In Fargo, North Dakota, an officer was seen clasping hands with protest organizers while holding up a sign reading “We are one race… The HUMAN race.”


Note : Coincidentally, during my meditation in December 2019, I was divinely told that the theme of the possible happenings in Year 2020 is the balancing of all forms of ‘Injustice’ and this seems to be echoed in the above development. This was described in my blogpost way back in January 2020 : Potential Of Year 2020