Bringing Light To Current Issues

“Artificial intelligence has moved near the top of world concerns, and rightly so. Like other technologies, AI can be used beneficially or detrimentally, and the latter is how it is being used at this early stage of development on Earth.

Illuminati make films that are so realistic, no one would suspect they are technological productions of individuals’ activity and comments that never took place. These fabrications are used to discredit persons who are threats to the dark agenda or force them into compliance with demands.

Because AI has only a toehold in your world, with diligent maneuvering during its growth stages, it can be steered in directions that can significantly enhance healthcare, energy production, education, communication, manufacturing, transportation, service industries, entertainment and intergalactic travel.

Another kind of development, transgenderism, also has emerged. First let us say, there are occasional instances of biological abnormalities wherein a person’s heart, mind and spirit are not the same as the apparent birth gender. Throughout the years, young and older adults who knew this was true about themselves—male or female lifetime choice in a soul contract is a powerful sensation—have changed gender and become their authentic selves.

What is happening now is totally different—it is psychological warfare against family integrity, parental guidance and a maturing, responsible generation. Youngsters are very curious about this trendy issue that to them is mostly a mystery, and even though teenagers know the change means serious physical differences, they cannot perceive the rest of their life as the opposite gender. So, what gave rise to this situation that has convinced some children to undergo gender change?

Isolation from friends, cancellation of customary activities, interrupted schooling, and absorbing family stress about financial hardships due to mandated “pandemic” restrictions caused widespread depression among children. Those reactions were among the intentions of the dark ones who released their patented covid-19 virus—they exploit all situations they can to increase distress. In this matter, they put into circulation the idea that if children are depressed, it’s because boys were born in girls’ bodies or vice versa. If children want to feel happy, self-confident and secure—voila! changing gender may provide this.

It is no coincidence that this concept sprang up after sex education was added to the curricula in elementary grades and sexually explicit books for children popped up in libraries. That happened quickly because the Illuminati own publishing houses and set standards for public education. They also tied transgenderism to the gay community and spread the word that anyone who opposes it is homophobic.

Transgenderism came on center stage at the same time the film, “Sound of Freedom” was in production. Both show dark ones’ blatant assaults on your children—today’s most vulnerable members, tomorrow’s leaders.

Nothing about the traumatic firestorm that swept through Lahaina, Hawaii, was natural. Wildfires in Canada, the long, hot summer throughout the northern hemisphere, and the hurricane in California are not due to climate change as claimed by the very same dark hearts that technologically caused that scope of death and devastation and are causing other tragedies and hardships worldwide.

Those disparate occurrences are akin to a global wake-up call…Never have we advocated focusing on darkness—that gives it energy! But ridding it from the world requires acknowledging its existence and bringing it to light.”

– excerpt of explanations provided by the spirit of Matthew, channeled by his mother Suzanne Ward.

(Note1: Background of Suzanne Ward –

After her 17-year old son Matthew was fatally injured in a vehicle crash in 1980, Suzanne (Suzy) Ward contacted mediums for news of him, and all of them told her that when the time was right, she would communicate with him directly.

It was early in 1994 when Suzy and Matthew connected telepathically. During the first weeks they talked about his life in Earth’s spirit world, and then he started introducing members of several civilizations that are spiritually, intellectually and technologically far advanced from our own.

Matthew told his mother that her profession as journal editor was part of their family’s pre-birth agreement, the experience she needed to organize the transmissions she was receiving from him and many other extraterrestrial souls. He said her primary lifetime mission was to publish their information about this unprecedented era in the universe as Earth ascends into her Golden Age of planetary peace and life in harmony with Nature.)

(Note2: Although not everyone may be open to the belief that the aforementioned information is accurate, I myself could discern that at least the part about the Hawaii fire is credible, as I have seen how that fire devastated many properties but totally ‘avoided’ certain properties in videos taken after the disaster. Even a former fireman commented that it was unnatural . Also, there was no warning by the local authorities about the spread of the fire. Water supply apparently was shut off or lacking too. Even investigative reporter James O’ Keefe was banned from taking photos of the aftermath, which heightens the suspicion around it. In my own angelic communication, I was told that certain disasters that have already happened were truly caused by forces of nature but NOT all i.e. those which were the result of non-benevolent parties.)

(Note3: Days after uploading this blogpost , actor Tom Hanks warned fans about ads featuring imposters generated by AI. He reportedly said “There is a video out there promoting some dental plan with an A.I. of me. I have nothing to do with it!”)

Spread Happiness!

“Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.” – the enlightened Buddha

(Note: And the following website link is dedicated to reporting happy news!)

Shadow Work – Working On Self

Developing self-awareness is imperative especially during these times of great changes, I opine. Over the past years, many intuitive healers have talked about the need of doing personal ‘shadow work’ or people going through a dark night of the soul. Basically it’s about being aware of all the shortcomings, misdeeds, trauma and unresolved issues we have been carrying all this while. As the planetary energy rises due to influx of solar flares and frequencies coming from other parts of the galaxy, more humans will feel unbalanced if they don’t clear their personal shadow or dark side (i.e. clash of polarised vibrations). Hence, self-awareness is important because if one refuses to acknowledge this lower aspect of self, one can’t overcome it. Owning up to one’s weaknesses / shortcomings is NOT a sign of weakness itself but courage to improve / evolve oneself.

As scientists have already revealed that everything is made up of energy at its basic level, then our physical body and our consciousness are forms of energy too. In my healing work with my clients, I would get answers from angelic beings about how their negative thoughts, habits and emotions (e.g. fear, anger, guilt) impact their health and relationship. I noticed that as they acknowledge these issues, they would spontaneously cry or their body would develop goosebumps. Often this is a physical validation that there is indeed personal “stuff” that needs to be acknowledged and cleared. When lower vibrational thoughts, feelings and beliefs are replaced with higher vibes, the body then responds accordingly and we start to ‘magnetise’ a different group of people into our lives . (Dr. Bruce Lipton’s study of genetics and the concept of Law of Attraction support this effect).

As more drama continues to play out on the global stage, it’s best to turn our attention inwards to healing self. Complaining about worldwide disasters, politics, uncertain economy,etc. will certainly not help heal. Instead it will have an opposite effect. So, staying grounded and clearing one’s own shadow is essential for us to survive and thrive during these times of volatility. Self matters!

One of many talks about Shadow Work found on YouTube

Under Pressure!

Pressure – pushing down on me. Pressing down on you, no man ask for.

Under pressure that burns a building down. Splits a family in two. Puts people on streets.

That’s terror of knowing, what this world is about. Watching some good friends screaming “Let me out!”

These are the days.. It never rains, but pours!

Why can’t we give Love one more chance? ‘Cause love’s such an old-fashioned word..and Love dares you to care for people on the edge of the night. And Love dares you to change our way of caring about ourselves.

This is our last dance… This is ourselves!

The above is an excerpt of lyrics of the hit song, Under Pressure by the late David Bowie and legendary band Queen. Embedded above is an excellent cover of the song by 1000 musicians. Though the song was written decades ago, still the messages in the lyrics portray what’s happening in the world now. In view of all the current disasters (e.g. fire in Maui) , man-made or otherwise, humanity need to care more for one another. Acts of Love and assistance is most needed to help those suffering.