A Higher Perspective On Present Human Choices

This is one of the biggest catalyst for humanity. You have seen many catastrophic events of the past, this is just one more, it is like trying to explain to a child why something has happened that they don’t understand but it’s for the better..for the highest good of all, such as two parents that argue all the time causing conflict for a child so they divorce and life is not as chaotic before for that child but they still hurt and want to know why. Why did this happen? Yet they don’t remember that life wasn’t very good when the parents were arguing all the time and they may not live in the same house but now things are now calmer. So I am not trying to say that this catalyst, you call COVID is going to be a pleasant experience. There’s really nothing to fear. It’s an argument between two sides. It’s causing great division. It hurts to see this division … for humanity experiencing and us watching. Why did it happen? Nothing else was happening or rather too many were sitting complacent. This catalyst caused such a shake-up that it made changes happen. Change is still happening. It hasn’t completed.”

“ As humans, you have made excuses why it is okay to hurt, to harm, to kill for sport, for fun. This is the choosing of the negative side of duality. Humanity is fighting itself. Each person is allowing another person to have power over them, when you have been programmed to believe that it is necessary to keep order and yes there there’s a certain amount of order that needs to be held. Nature does that all on its own without anyone dictating how it happens. Animals do not kill each other for sport. They do so to survive. I feel humanity has twisted this concept and feeling that they need to have power over one another. This is not the case. You can work together. You have been on Earth for centuries learning how to do this and the message has been twisted every time and that lower vibration .. that temptation is allowing certain people to feel that it’s okay to have power over another. That’s NOT the way. Many of you are awakening to this and you need to step up and speak up about how you feel. The more people that do this, the more unity there is. There are more of you that want to live in harmony than there are of you that want power over others. I am proud of those who see this. I will not make you feel as if you are not seen. You are seen and you are so needed in this time.”

– a channeled message from Source/Creator during a Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) session facilitated by Marilynn Biggers.

(Note: Over the past 2 decades, I have read and listened to hundreds of various types of such hypnotherapy sessions but very few would relay messages directly from Source or Prime Creator. I believe the above gives insight as to what is happening on Earth now. Once again, divine messages are often consistent and it ties in with what I have posted on my blog, since the pandemic hit last year. With mandates being pushed all around the world by governments and corporations , citizens are compelled to take a stand and the collective choice will shape the reality for future generations to come.)

Angelic Message For Humanity In 2021.

“So this is the time of grand change in which you all have chosen to participate, to incarnate, but this is a time of consciousness shift , never before experienced in the human experience in the human species and it is a time of grand expansion and the learning of the integration of releasing limiting beliefs…beliefs that have been held about you that are simply untrue… to recognise the magnificence of each and every soul”

“… for all the water in the oceans cannot drown you unless you let it inside you. It had to take a virus for you to see you’re all connected. You collaborate…you are better together than you are apart and you are all the same. You are more than you think you are, and it’s time to discover that ‘more’ .”

– except of angelic messages for humanity as channeled by Sheila Gillette in the above YouTube video interview.

(Note: The reason I shared this post is because the massages relayed by Sheila Gillette is consistent with many other spiritual sources including my own communication with the Archangels and Ascended Masters over the past decade. Thus I opine that Sheila is a credible channeler.)

Question Everything!

“We have been brainwashed not to think..The evil is a web that went through every area of our lives .. there’s connection everywhere..If someone saw the connections of the web, they probably won’t be able to recover from that. The intention of the group (called Q) is to free the world..to stop the evil.”

– a divine message (from a Quantum Healing session) explaining the need for humans to question and think for themselves during these times of conflicting views and misinformation.

(Note: Q is an anonymous group that has been planting seeds of information to awaken people, by offering a different perspective than those offered by existing political masters and governments.)

Time To Let Go

“This Mercury Retrograde is connected to what you choose to let go of and what you choose to bring in after you let go…and is also related to karmic retribution . The current karmic effect .. means that the decision people have made in the past is finally catching up after them…so this is about letting go of what does not serve you. The planet is asking you if you are happy with your current situation. Are you willing to let go of this?”

– a divine message as channeled by Erika Furuzono.