“When The Talking Stops, The Fighting Starts.”

An enlightening interview with Ice Cube

The title of this post is a quote from rapper and film producer, Ice Cube extracted from the above interview filled with nuggets of wisdom. He says he opines that it’s silly NOT to talk to people. He added, “Whether we agree or not, that has nothing to do with it… Let’s talk about it .. let’s debate …and I have been shut out! Some platforms will not have me on .. they don’t like that I am an independent thinker. I’m not part of the herd… I don’t follow their brand of politics, I guess.”

“We’ve been talking almost all day now, you haven’t mentioned race a single time…Do you think we overplay the role of racial conflict in American life?” asks interviewer Tucker Carlson and Ice Cube replied, “Yes, I think race – it takes up too much space. There’s people we all have in our lives who are same race that we can’t stand and there’s people in our lives from other races that we get along with way better. So, it’s NOT about race. It’s NOT about colour and gender and this and that. It’s about who do you connect with. You know, who do you vibrate with… who’s on the same wavelength… who wants to do the right thing when you want to do the right thingI think a lot of people get to make a lot of money off the racists fighting each other and bickering and they’re the ones pushing in our face all the time that we’re separate.”

– the above interview which I chanced upon today is yet another testimony of the importance of self-empowerment and seeing that we’re all connected and NOT separate, as certain quarters would like us to believe.

Child Trafficking – Another Conspiracy?

House Homeland Security Committee Hearing (USA)

On July 4, a movie based on the topic of rescuing child sex trafficking victims was released in the USA. This movie managed to attract a significant number of moviegoers and many who watched it said it’s timely to be aware of this horrendous issue and to stop ignoring it as though it doesn’t exist. Sadly, there are parties who are labelling it as another conspiracy theory, like the warning about the dangers of the so-called Covid19 vaccine. However we all know by now that it’s a FACT that many people became ill or died because the injections, as certain governments have actually admitted and compensated for the negative effects of the jabs.

The embedded video above shows real life politicians and experts literally stating that the topic of trafficking is NOT a conspiracy, during a House Hearing in USA. To those who have been reading this blog, they would know that I have been writing about the shift in human consciousness or awakening of humanity to all the dark activities and dysfunctional practices around the world. And more than a year ago, I wrote the following post in this blog about the truth being exposed that included trafficking (click on link below). To see a movie being released to the public about it is indeed another validation of the awakening of the masses.


Connecting With Mother Earth – Gaia

“I think Mother (Earth) Gaia is going to be doing a lot of purging (e.g. via hurricanes , earthquakes) of the evil that has happened here and the things that are wrong… that’s no longer going to be needed or allowed on this planet… even though people are going to be scared by what’s happening, if you are really connected with Mother Gaia , you realise it’s a necessary step to evolve and to heal , just like our bodies are purging … and she loves us so ..so much… Look at what she gives us… look a dandelion that we consider a noxious weed – that’s one of the most healing plant there is . You use the flower, you use the leaves, you use the root – all to help your liver . It’s just out there for us to use.”

“Mother Gaia is going to be terraforming and changing .. out of love for us … The cities are not built for sustainability.. they are built for you to consume and just go to the mall or the stall and spend money . We come from nature – that’s why people like to go to the beach.. to the forest – the vibration heals your body. The cities are not going to be sustainable. People are going to be leaving the cities.. they are going back to simpler times.. we’re going to be growing things.. appreciate what we have .. We can get everything healed with a lighter body and with what Mother Gaia has created on Earth for us.. It’s going to be about the sacredness of life and healing one another.”

– the above is an excerpt of insightful messages about the Consciousness of Earth – Gaia, channeled during a Quantum Healing Hypnosis session facilitated by Heather recently.

[Note: The purging that was mentioned above matches my angelic communication with Archangel Metatron when I asked that angelic being for the potential of Year 2023 . The purging and many other issues that were most likely to happen in 2023 , which I compiled in my blog at the beginning of the year, have already taken place. The following is the link to my blogpost posted in January 2023.]

A Balanced Perspective Of The World

Channeling Enlightening Messages For Humanity

“Humanity, Earth is under control of a dark force and has been for thousands of years. The Hindus call it Kali Yuga (age of darkness). Now think about this… this abundant Earth , rich in everything.. ..not the place of rarity .. they have convinced you all that things are scarce because that’s what keeps you in control, that keeps you following the plan that keeps you from ascending. They know what’s happening here. They know the Earth is ascending…In order to keep the vibrations low and keep you guys in control, they have to tell you these radical things..so that people stay distracted… stay low vibrational and don’t ascend. In order for everybody to ascend on Earth , turn the TV off! The news is NOT telling you all the good things. If the news had any real integrity, it would tell you ..all the positive things that are taking place on your planet .. all the really lovely things .. the tiny acts of kindness.. Imagine if your news told you an old lady was walking into a place and somebody helped her or somebody didn’t have groceries, so the person behind paid for the groceries or all the people who donate to the food pantry…all of these wonderful things. If they told you all these things , you would remember who you are and .. you would have complete love… Is the world as wicked as they say? It isn’t! They need the fear to grip you , so you don’t move.

– excerpt from the latest Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (embedded video above) that was facilitated by Elizabeth Rainbow Dancer. The video also talked about other matters including the nature of cancer and the many reasons for it. This hypnotherapy session resonated with me, as it matches my angelic card reading for my previous blogpost, as well as what I have written in past years about Fear and Control. On the anniversary of USA’s Independence Day perhaps it’s perfect timing for the citizens and the rest of humanity to awaken , be independent from control by understanding what’s at play on the global stage, and taking corrective measures.

After Note: Close to 2 weeks after posting the above blogpost, I literally stumbled upon an example of a kind deed rendered by a person working at McDonalds. The following screenshot (taken from the Good News Network website) is self-explanatory . I believe there are many such acts that aren’t reported in the mainstream media but I opine we need to read about such examples more often to remember there’s much good in the hearts of the ordinary citizen.