Earth – A Land Of Possibilities

“Although the life of a person is in a land full of thorns and weeds, there IS always a space in which the good seed can grow.”

⁃ Pope Francis

Silver Lining Behind Natural Disasters

“Hurricanes, storms, earthquakes, floods, et cetera, are ever and always, necessary to the balancing & well-being of the earth. Accordingly, both electromagnetic balancing of the planet, as well as mankind’s succinct purposes are ‘naturally’ served when such events occur. The earth is ever dynamic. You must understand that the balancing of the living planet is a continual ‘natural’ process. The equilibrium shifting that has always occurred will continue to occur as needed, it is an ongoing process.

But in the present time, these storms also serve to further awaken humanity to greater truth, higher purpose. For it is within the difficult experiential arena of disasters and catastrophes that human life is for an enduring time, drastically altered….

To some extent mankind’s collective attitudes, desires and emotions effectively blend & merge with the physical aspects of nature so that such storms or disasters in certain circumstances, are as much the result of psychological activity as they are of physical weather conditions. Disasters provide a rather drastic, societal shock. This immediate chaotic confrontation disrupts habitual, institutionalized patterns of behavior and quickly renders people to react in the ‘now’ and opens people to more amenable actions of assistance & survival. The effect can bring social, political and personal change.

Mankind in mass consider storms, hurricanes, rain, earthquakes etc, as natural events, yet you do not consider thoughts or emotions as natural events in the same terms. We tell you there is a very real & valid interaction between emotional attitudes and 3d-physical events. Although most humans realize the weather affects your emotional moods, very few of you recognize deeply understand that your moods & resulting attitudes can have an absolute effect upon the weather.

To no small degree, the increasing polarity and resulting outbursts of violence, have influenced the longevity & intensity of the recent hurricane & flooding experienced in the United States. Do not think it is a punishment specific to a localized region. It is not a punishment, rather an opportunity to raise awareness and change priorities. Nor is it truly regional, it is a global event, in the sense of the worldwide focal attention given by the media. What has taken place in the face and aftermath of the disastrous flooding, has provided a unique and optimal opportunity for change, it serves as an awakening. A unifying desire for man to assist fellow man.

If the quality of life that is considered spiritually and biologically necessary fails, then adjustments must occur. Social, political problems can indeed be modified, reshaped and reformed by a natural disaster if political means fail. Disasters provide a temporary liberation from the status quo in daily life. Worries, aggression, prejudices, inhibitions and anxieties associated with the immediate past and future temporarily are put on hold. That is clearly because disasters literally force people to concentrate their full attention on survival, on the immediate moment-to-moment, needs within the context of the present realities.

Disasters, in this way, stimulate rousing courage & creative energies of the populace. In survival emergency mode, humans tend to see one another as fellow humans in need, not categorized by race, religion or economic class. Assistance is rendered based on common need. Indeed, this is exemplified in the altruistic and heroic actions of so many in the aftermath of the recent hurricane in Texas. People from all parts of the United States, Canada and Mexico came together to offer assistance. Many courageous rescues came not from government agencies or military. This action inspired others to play various roles in opening their homes, providing food and blankets to the less fortunate. Do you see the silver lining?…

Mankind cannot separate, cannot divorce themselves from nature, nor nature’s collective experiential intents. Although at such times you may consider nature, in its violent storming expressions as an adversary, on a higher level you are aware that you collectively played a role in co-creating the enduring trauma of the experience….and that this very trauma brought out a better side of humanity…

You think of flooding or earthquakes as totally natural events, but you do not consider thoughts or emotions as natural events in the same way….or consider that your fears, prejudices or emotionally charged thoughts played a role in the manifestation of any disaster. And that the disaster itself helped you raise your consciousness into a more aware & indeed noble context…

We emphasize that every experience each of you experience, you have had a hand in creating. The University of Earth is a purposed illusion, but if it did not seem real, you would not learn. Life can be difficult, and that is a great Truth. But it is often in very difficult times that you rise to the occasion, and transcend the past cages & limits. For it is through facing your chosen ‘set-ups’ that you master the lessons of love offered in the curriculum of duality. Natural disasters paradoxically bring out the altruistic aspect of humanity, in which mankind become kind men, and neighbors become truly neighborly. The lessons learned in these experiences, while devastating in 3d, also change people for the better, revealing a greater truth, the truth of Love.”

⁃ excerpt of a message from Archangel Metatron as channeled by engineer cum geologist , James Tyberonn.

Personal Growth

“Do not rely on the outer world as your measuring stick for your own spiritual growth, rely on your response to the outer world to determine how much you have grown.”

“If you still react the same way to an old circumstance, you haven’t grown. It has nothing to do with whether or not that circumstance should be in your life anymore.”

-quotes from Bashar as divinely channeled by Daryl Anka.

It Starts With Me

“When there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation.

When there is order in the nation, there will be PEACE in the world.”

⁃ a quote of the late guru Sai Baba.

The aforementioned quote is yet another suggestion that the microcosm affects the macrocosm. It is also another way of saying that one person CAN make a difference on this planet. So often when we see chaos presented in the news , we lament or complain the state of our world – manipulative politics, divisive teachings of religious authorities, unfair banking systems, greedy pharmaceutical corporations that lack integrity, etc. but fall short ourselves by not taking any steps to counter them.

In this new astrological age of Aquarius, the theme is about awakening to the power within ourselves…that ONE person can start a chain reaction to a major shift in doing things. All major players whom have created huge impact today started with an idea and the believe in the possibility of that idea becoming reality. Examples are the founders of search engines e.g. Google, ride sharing apps e.g Uber, on-line shopping sites e.g. Amazon/Alibaba , crowd funding sites and even crypto currencies. In the past , humanity has been largely controlled and dictated by small groups of rich and domineering people who prefer status quo. In this new age, that control is being dismantled.

There is light at the end of the proverbial tunnel and that light is … the creativity from within each person. Courage and perseverance are the other essential ingredients for manifesting improvements to the quality of life. If we are not happy with certain societal norms, perhaps that’s our inner calling for change.

Maybe we could all rephrase the famous quote – Ask not what your country can do for youask what you can do for your country– by the late US president John F. Kennedy , to the following:

“Ask not what the world can do for us – ask what WE CAN DO for the world.”

In so doing we become an empowered person and not a victim anymore. Instead of being drowned by the sea of life, we could create our own waves of change…the precursor to a New Earth… one that is more peaceful, benevolent and sustainable.

We are truly creators of our reality and the idea is to remember.

If not us, then who?

If not now, then when?

Learning From The Dead

Do dead people still talk? Well according to world renowned psychic medium , James Van Praagh, those departed souls not only still converse but often relay very wise advice to those still having a physical incarnation on Earth. James explained in his book called Unfinished Business that souls have on many occasions expressed to him their regrets of not doing the things they could have, would have or should have done when they were ‘alive’. The reason for my posting this article is because Archangel Gabriel prompted me recently to give a talk about this topic to a group of friends of mine. (Note: Archangel Gabriel is often known to work with people who help relay spiritual messages. Years ago, that being appeared when I was writing my book, Passion For Truths.) The rationale is because no one knows how much time they have left in this world and as such we ought to live life to the fullest and without regrets.

Interestingly, not long after that angelic visitation, my attention was drawn to a YouTube video testimonial of a person who had a Near Death Experience (NDE) by the name of Peter Anthony. Peter explained that he actually died on an operating table of a hospital in 1987 at 11:11 pm on 11th November (11-11). His soul floated above the physical body and then crossed over to the Other Side. In that dimension, he was given a chance to review his life by seeing many moments where he could have, should have or would have done something but didn’t. After the review, his soul was given a choice to either remain in the spirit world or to return to his human life. He decided to choose the latter and make amends by practicing loving and considerate actions after returning to his physical body. Peter’s case is so similar to the content of James’ book in the sense that the ultimate message to us is NOT to procrastinate or hesitate. So often we humans hold back our passion or inner desire to wait for the ‘right’ moment to do something but not understanding that sometimes the perfect time might never come.

And so, if we have a strong urge or inner calling to do something (e.g. start a project) or to express ourselves (e.g. to tell someone that we love him/her or to apologise to people whom we have hurt), we might want to take a cue from Nike’s slogan – ‘Just Do It’….. before it is too late.

As they say, Life is too short for regrets…and this is what the Dead can teach us about Life itself.