Memories To Unite

“There’s a time that I remember, when I did not know no pain

When I believed in forever, and everything would stay the same

Now my heart feel like December when somebody say your name

‘Cause I can’t reach out to call you, but I know I will one day, yeah

Everybody hurts sometimes

Everybody hurts someday, aye aye

But everything gon’ be alright

Go and raise a glass and say, aye

Here’s to the ones that we got

Cheers to the wish you were here, but you’re not

‘Cause the drinks bring back all the memories

Of everything we’ve been through

Toast to the ones here today

Toast to the ones that we lost on the way

‘Cause the drinks bring back all the memories

And the memories bring back, memories bring back you

There’s a time that I remember when I never felt so lost

When I felt all of the hatred was too powerful to stop (ooh, yeah)

Now my heart feel like an ember and it’s lighting up the dark

I’ll carry these torches for ya that you know I’ll never drop, yeah

Everybody hurts sometimes

Everybody hurts someday, aye aye

But everything gon’ be alright

Go and raise a glass and say, aye”


The above is part of the lyrics of a touching song (called “Memories”) by the popular group Maroon 5. The song really moved my heart as it’s one that is written for everyone who has lost loved ones and are still dealing with grief. The lead singer Adam Levine explained that the song is also for him to deal with the recent lost of his manager, who was like a brother to him. He added that with the world seemingly more chaotic than before especially with so much anger and hatred going around, he wanted people to have some common ground instead of fighting it. Hence the song was also about bringing people together.

I truly admire people like the aforesaid singer who uses his talent to unite the world. And so like him, I dedicate this blogpost to all the people whom we have loved and lost as well as to honour those who are still with us.

Innovation-Angelic Message Of The Day

In my contact with Archangel Gabriel today, this high frequency consciousness suggested that I write the following message to the potential reader of this blog. Honestly , quite often I don’t claim to know why these angelic beings prompt me to do certain things until I obtain future validations. Nevertheless, I have learned to just go with the flow and get my ego out of the way when encountering such moments. Adopting such an attitude has led me to many fruitful results in the past.

The message below is what I was asked to convey and is found in a card selection no.23 by Gabriel (from the deck of cards called “The Secret Language of Color Cards”) :-

“When you are ready to think outside the box, sit up straight, hold your head slightly up, open your hands, and relax your fingers.

Say ‘Divine Intelligence, I call upon the ray of innovation, creativity and ideas to inspire me to see new aspects and ways of moving through the situation I am facing.’ ”

Archangel Gabriel explained that when one does that, such a person will be downloaded with the relevant energy/information. Therefore it’s a good idea to have some paper next to us, so that we can write down new ideas that come through. Last but not least, Gabriel added that certain people may feel some physical sensations during the download e.g. pressure in the head, as their pineal gland is stimulated. Correspondingly, two chakras i.e. crown chakra and 3rd chakra will most likely be activated.

Here’s hoping that this message gets to whomever it was intended for.😇

Of Beauty And Aging

“To grow old is to grow to evolve..and you are not meant to be a youth forever. There’s great wisdom in aging. When we are aging, there’s like a revolution happening within us and that NEEDS to happen so that we can go through all the different cycles of life. Especially for women, you don’t always want to be the maiden. The maiden is youthful folly..But..there’s something special about being the mother..There’s something even more beautiful about being the crown..It’s a season ..(The best way to embrace aging) is to accept it , and to understand that there’s beauty at every age..and that to be old, to be wise, to understand things is beautiful. To have stories to tell is beautiful.”

– Wise messages channeled by a higher consciousness (Pleiadian) during a hypnosis session by Sarah Breskman Cosme. In the hypnosis, Sarah helped her client bypass the logical and conscious mind and that allowed a higher Consciousness to channel the aforesaid messages.

Last but not least, when Sarah asked her client what if people wanted to look more youthful, the reply was the following statement:

“By being playful, because even if you are eighty years old, and you are playful, joyful and kind and have an open heart, you will still have a young aura.”

Return Of The Feminine Energy!

“For too long, the beautiful energies of the Divine Feminine, the Goddess, has been supressed and diminished, tainted in every way possible. But it is with each day the energy of the Goddess grows and amplifies as the Mothers Tsunami also continues to grow.

It is in the coming months, that you will start to see the effects of these energies, manifest in the world. This will result in a more harmonious way of being for all, especially women, who have long been seen as objects of pleasure and not much else. But dear ones, and I speak to the women here, our time is to come where we will rise up and equal that of man, we will be bringing balance to the Masculine, that has for so long been in a position of power and dominance. This is not to say that the Masculine energy should be wiped out or that women are to take over the planet, not at all. What I Am saying is, that as women rise and the energy of the Divine Feminine rises, then so it shall bring balance to a Masculine energy of domination and control.

It has been for far too long that the Feminine energies have not been utilized in the way they should. The feminine energies have been wasted in a sea of sexual acts, that all but waste the energy of the Divine Feminine. It is through the abuse of women and the mistreatment of this energy, that has caused great imbalances on the planet and this must come to a stop. Women are to reclaim that which has been taken and abused from them. There are many people, and I also speak of men here, who are reclaiming that energy of the Goddess, for men must carry a balance of this energy too, as to be in harmony with Creator and their Higher Self.

It is through men becoming more compassionate and caring, being able to express emotion without being ridiculed, called cry-babies or weak, as these slanderous remarks also supress the Feminine within the males, that the males will bring the Feminine into balance. Men are told they must be tough and show no emotion in this culture, but that is not the case. Men must stand balanced and show an equal amount of strength, but also be able to express emotion, enabling an emotional release. For too much built up emotion leads to anger and hate, a perfectly devised plan by those of the dark. This was their plan, to create a male that is full of anger and rage, completely supressing the feminine energies and the female herself, causing wars and violence, which they have succeeded until now.

The rise of the Divine Feminine is here dear ones, and I speak now of the rise of the Divine Feminine in both the male and the female, for it is time for the Feminine energy to reclaim her rightful place, as carer and nurturer of the planet. It is with the reclaiming of these energies that the planet will finally be able to start being brought back to balance and a peaceful and caring society can prevail.”

– Divine message from Ascended Master Mary Magdalene as channeled by Zane Morgan.


The above message is one of many that have been obtained by intuitive/psychic people, from beings existing in the higher dimensions, regarding Male/Female energy. I do concur that in order to live a balanced life , humans of both genders need to honour and embrace the feminine and masculine qualities, in our day-to-day activities.

Mirror Of Life

“The good we see in others, is in ourselves too.

The faults we find in others are our faults as well.

After all, to recognise something, we must already know it.

For within lies the divine knowledge of Dark and Light.”

Dark Path Of Unforgiveness

“Unforgiveness creates suffering. It’s the seed of its own demise. If you have an individual human being who is unforgiving , they create disease with themself ..for it’s an unresolved conflict that takes a great deal of energy to sustain. Do you know those who say ‘I will never forgive..’ ? They are the ones who will die earlier than you. For their unforgiveness creates an energy ..No resolution ..and the body will claim itself, even in death. That’s what unforgiveness looks like.”

– A recent divine message (Kryon) as channeled by Lee Carroll . Lee is an intuitive American who has been relaying words of wisdom from the Other Side for the last 3 decades.

In my reiki healing sessions over the past few years, I have detected trapped emotions in my clients, like unforgiveness as mentioned by Lee Carroll. Such unresolved emotions do affect our internal organs and vitality negatively. Immediately after I have helped my clients identify and release these trapped emotions, the latter would often report a great sense of relief. Even their facial expression changes for the better. Clairvoyants who partnered me have noticed a brighter glow in the said clients’ aura, after the healing session.

Last but not least, Lee Carroll added that apart from compassion, forgiveness IS another one of the keys… to peace on Earth. I believe when we create peace within ourselves, we radiate peace outward by not holding onto grudges towards other people or the need to seek revenge. As the saying goes “To err is human, to forgive is Divine”.

Life – A Divine Perspective

Life as a human can really be daunting as literally everyone has challenges , with certain people having more than others. Pain and suffering as well as the many types of fear energy that abound the planet can certainly take a toll on a person. In extreme situations, certain people even start to contemplate committing suicide. As such, the low vibrations of this world often cause people to ask the ultimate question- “What’s the meaning of life?” .

In 2018, Tina Dubrovnik, a Feng Shui consultant and healer did a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) session on her friend and certain insightful information that seem to answer the aforementioned question, was channeled by the Dragon collective (a group of higher consciousness) via the said person! The collective explained that Source (Creator/God) needs lower vibrations to expand from them but there was no need for actual pain and suffering to be experienced. The said suffering happened through evolution and certain events that took place in the past, but it is now time to end it. They also asked us to drop our fear because it is lowering our potential of what we could really achieve in life as we are truly creators, ourselves. Although “modern” society may laugh at the notion of the Dragons’ existence, the information does make sense. It ties in with the findings of the late hypnotherapist Dr. Michael Newton in which one of his clients (during hypnosis) channeled the reason why souls choose to incarnate as humans on Earth. The explanation was such that souls were analogous to seeds. If one doesn’t plant them in the soil, one will never discover its growth potential, e.g. a beautiful flower or a fruit tree. As such, to realise the true potential of a soul (which is an aspect of Source), it takes on a physical body.

The Dragon collective also mentioned that they are helping to burn old beliefs that no longer serve humanity. This point resonated with me as sometime ago, Archangel Michael told me that a Dragon (in etheric form) wanted me to invoke the violet flame of transmutation, to help clear some “negative energy” in my neighbourhood and fire itself is often associated with Dragons.

As we move on to the final quarter of 2019, I believe it’s good to ponder the wisdom/knowledge shared above about life, even if certain people don’t believe in Dragons. It’s also timely for us to shed all forms of limiting belief systems, dogmas and lower vibrations of fear , so that we can end the year on a high note, and create a better year ahead, with our inner abilities …and be the Flower of Life.