Taking Charge!

“I am going to make my own decisions in life. .. I am NOT going to depend on anybody else. The minute you depend on somebody else, you lose something. You lose the right to decide for yourself.”

– successful country music singer, Shania Twain.

Shania’s quote echoes the theme of this Astrological Age – the Age of Aquarius, which is about Awakening and Self-Empowerment.

Shining Our Light!

Everything in existence is energy vibrating at a specific rate in one of countless frequencies in accordance with the degree of consciousness. From our experience as volunteers like you, we know it’s difficult to think that way about self and what is transpiring on Earth, but that is how the universal laws of physics operate, so let us speak about how that is affecting your world.

The low vibrations of control, greed and deception are being overcome by the high vibrations of self-confidence, optimism and freedom as more and more of Earth’s peoples are absorbing light. Light, the same energy as love, is Creator, the Source of All That Is—that is who you are, who every soul in the cosmos is—and the light you radiate is helping Earth’s peoples awaken into that reality. By observing the ongoing drama of this process but not being drawn into it, you are further empowering yourselves, the peoples, and all other light beings in this universe.

Everything happening on Earth is the effect of how every resident is using Creator’s energy. The light forces’ efforts to remove all darkness still are happening mostly off-stage, so to say, and be assured that everything is moving apace to transform life throughout your world. Our dear sisters and brothers, your contributions are as vital in this moment as they have been all along. 

Let us tell you how Sol, the soul that embodied as the sun star in your solar system, is contributing…Sol provides the light that enables life in your world, and solar flares are his power surges that are adding impetus to Earth’s ascension course, releasing her humankind from the bondage of mass mind control, and strengthening all life forms that absorb the light.

It is blatant nonsense that you must be shielded from the sun’s rays! While it is unwise to lie for hours ‘tanning’ bodies lathered with toxic sunscreen, it is immensely beneficial to body, mind and spirit to be active outdoors—farming, yard or construction work, tending flowers, walking, swimming and team sports, riding horseback, playing with companion animals—whatever is enjoyable or productive. If you want to protect your skin, let it be with aloe vera gel.

We add this: The dark hearts and minds that created the “pandemic” know the truth of what we just stated—that is why they strategically ordered the populace to stay indoors.

The situation in Ukraine will not lead to NATO countries going to war with Russia, much less cause nuclear WWIII. Russian troops are not destroying Ukraine—the scope of darkness they have eradicated will be shocking when that information is revealed—and it is operatives of the Illuminati, or Deep State if you will, and their hired mercenaries who are committing the atrocities and wanton destruction ascribed to Russians.

Beloved family, each of you is an integral part of Earth’s myriad wonders … Light beings throughout this universe are cheering you ever onward and supporting you with unconditional love.”

– an excerpt of messages for humanity as received by a mother Suzanne Ward from her departed son Matthew Ward.

Although not many people believe in people receiving messages from souls on the Other Side, I personally don’t doubt that certain people are gifted to do so as I have encountered several mediums who were able to relay accurate information. The above messages resonate with me as I have been repeatedly blogging over the last decade of how humanity is slowly awakening to all the lies, deceit and control by certain malevolent parties. During this critical period, it’s essential that more rise up and discern what is being fed to us via mainstream media and governments, as often what we are told isn’t the truth. It’s time to shine light on dark issues.

Human Experience – The Ultimate Challenge!

“It’s like wearing a lot of clothes. You just keep on putting layers of forgetting so that it can be challenging.. (Earth) has mystery and not knowing creates mystery and that is fun. The mystery is fun. A lot of people here evolved from the animals . The Universe is made of many consciousness. The Earth is like this little bubble in darkness..it’s like a force of annihilation.. The darkness is there so that you can experience what it feels like to be alone.. it’s like a mirror ..opposite of the Sun. It’s like the Yin and Yang symbol… the Dark and the Light.. it’s a play.. it creates movement. It’s like God pretending it’s not God. It’s there for the experience of separation. It’s brave for people to come here because there’s so much separation.”

– excerpt of a recent channeling by an Angel incarnated as a human named Phil, during a hypnosis session conducted by Naomi.

The above description of our incarnation as humans matches what I learned in the past decades. Earth is a place where souls descend to a dense material world, in which the vibration is extremely low. This entails the forgetting of our true essence. The challenge has always been to re-discover or remember who we are. As we drop all the labels that separate us (e.g. gender, nationality, societal status, religion, political affiliation), our consciousness shifts and reconnects with upper tiers of Light of All That Is/Source/I Am.

Never Give Up!

The above is a lyric video of a brand new single called “I’m In” by the legendary band a-ha , whose 80’s mega hit “Take On Me” took the world by storm. I opine this is one effort whereby all the the conditions of a perfect song are met… beautiful voice, meaningful and inspiring lyrics, heart touching music with the bonus of backing by a beautiful orchestra. The reason for my sharing is because I feel this song can uplift one’s mood especially during these rocky times. A sample of the lyrics are listed below , which are self explanatory..

Breathe In . Just Breathe. There Are Times..Good Times After These….. Never Give Up. Never You Stop. Don’t Let The Forces That Pull Us Apart Think They Can Win. Just Believe.”

Years ago, Archangel Michael told me that the lead singer’s (Morten Harket) main angelic guide is Archangel Gabriel, who often helps humans with self-expression and dissemination of spiritual messages. The aforementioned lyrics suggest that we breathe. In my healing work, breath work is essential as many of my clients have short breaths and it’s worse if they have trapped emotions such as anxiety. Some of them have even convinced themselves that they are victims of life, which is far from the truth. There may be lessons for us in the form of difficulties or challenges but it’s critical we change our limited belief system. We hold the key to unlocking a better future… and it is Belief.

Time To Decide!

“In the history of a soul’s evolution there is a critical point of the human incarnation that decides for us whether we stay there, go down or progress upwards. There is a knot of worldly desires impeding us; cut the knot by mastering desires and go forward. This done, progress is assured.”

― Virchand Raghavji Gandhi

I just stumbled upon the above quote today and can absolutely believe the content, as what I have learned from many spiritual sources such as hypnotherapy sessions (life between lives regression), readings by mediums, angelic contacts, trance channelings , etc in the last 3 decades all speak of evolution of souls. This period is most critical as souls decide upon their progress. Some will shift to higher dimensions, while others remain in the 3D vibration. Hence, contrast will become more evident. Years ago, Archangel Michael even told me that humanity is at a crossroad. As such we are presented with choices.. do we succumb to worldly attachments and human drama or do we look beyond the 3D trappings and shift our perspective of life?