Get Moving!

In health articles, many highlight the issues on the need to ensure blood circulation by monitoring their heart rate and cholesterol levels. Qi Gong teachers would talk about the importance of breath work and often encourage people to do deep breathing. Even doctors encourage people to exercise (e.g. brisk walking) and warn that a sedentary lifestyle could have a negative impact on one’s overall health. In my own reiki (subtle energy) healing practice, I often get promptings by angelic beings to ask my clients to allow their body/limbs to move as I channel reiki to them. The core issue is that MOVEMENT is essential to sustain our health. I opine that lacking in movement or stagnation i.e. blood clots , air passage blockage, suppressed emotions , etc are often the major contributors of illnesses.

In my healing circle, I am blessed to have friends and other reiki practitioners who are clairvoyants (people who can see subtle energy ). There was once I was doing spontaneous tai chi movements while a female clairvoyant was present. After I finished, she told me she saw energy flowing through my hands and later out of my fingers. I don’t doubt her visions because on numerous occasions, other people would tell me they saw different rays of light (e.g. green, yellow, blue) flowing into my clients’ aura, during my reiki sessions. However prior to receiving the healing energy, the same people would see pockets of darkness around different parts of their body. The Archangels whom I work with, would often describe the darkness as energy blockages and sometimes it’s the result of trapped emotions.

Our health as with life itself needs to flow and the saying ‘the only constant in life is change’ supports this opinion too. Hence, clearing of blockage and letting go of negative thought patterns, suppressed expressions, limited beliefs are essential to facilitate a healthy life.

Remembering Past Incarnations & Sensing The Future!

The above is yet another case of Near Death Experience (NDE) that I have watched over the years. In this case, the survivor developed the ability to view his past lives after recovering and relayed positive messages from light beings he saw, about the future of Earth and humanity. The following paragraph is an excerpt from that video.

“The message for the future – It’s NOT the end . We’re not at the end of the world. We’re at a very pivotal moment of incredible CHANGE and that on the horizon..the change that’s to come is almost beyond what we can imagine and for good reason..and ..we can align ourselves with this beauty that is coming by remaining peaceful.. The future is.. not only hopeful but this is a natural course of events. We all have the strength..the love and connection to Source that we all individually need to make it through ..”

[Note : The aforesaid person isn’t the only one who remembered past lives. Many others achieved this and I attach a link below (my previous blogpost) that contains this topic, for those who are fascinated with it]

Solar Eclipse Activation !

This year’s solar eclipse on 8 April seems to have gotten much more coverage (mainstream media and social media) than the past. Even spiritual sources have described the significance of it in multiple ways. As for me, I resorted to meditative readings about this ‘special day’. The consciousness who delivered information to me during the meditation seemed to be Ascended Master Melchizedek. As I was prompted to share the general information, I decided to write it down as a blogpost. If my communication was accurate, then the following would be the content:

The incoming energy of the Sun on this day will ‘activate’ additional energetic strands of our multi-dimensional DNAs. Generally it will help expand the consciousness of humanity and this translates to people seeing themselves grander than just purely physical vessels. People will also move away from behaving like victims of life by deciding to take charge of their direction, after being subjected to so much conditioning and control by governments, leaders, corporate heads. As such, more are estimated to demand that their voices be heard and some will just quit their traditional job and pursue their passion. In certain cases, people may experience or develop greater telepathy or later discover that they somehow managed to manifest what they were focusing upon, far quicker than before. Others will begin the path of discovering who they truly are or embark on a soul-searching journey. This is in alignment with the theme of this new Age of Aquarius- the period of self-empowerment and enlightenment…the remembering of the power of Source within themselves.

So to those who believe in the aforesaid information, there was a suggestion for people to do a meditation to receive the incoming energy on that day. They could just sit down, relax and say “I give intention to receive the energy of the Sun. I receive (x3)” and continue for the next few minutes with their breathing exercises.

(Note: I was told that the expansion of consciousness was part of the theme of 2024 that Ascended Master Mary Magdalene shared with me, which I also wrote as a blogpost in January.)

Enriching Human Experience!

“This Oneness begins to move, vibrate and polarize just like fingers in my hand. Oneness began to extend out and these colours..these souls..these electromagnetic plasma like beings ..came and could communicate with me non-verbally .. This experience that we have-this Human Experience is birthed from this Oneness . There is NO separation . It’s God expressing as a a a bumblebee to experience himself .. We are enriching God … There is no end.. This is a gift of uniqueness ..this gift of contrast..”

– excerpt of the above YouTube video of a lady who had a Near Death Experience (NDE) in which she gained information about our origin and experience as humans.

[Note: More than a decade ago, after accumulating much knowledge and wisdom about the grander truth of our nature from many people’s spiritual experiences and my own divine synchronicities , I published a book – Passion For Truths compiling them. Interestingly the information shared in the above video (that I chanced upon recently) echoed a similar explanation of who we really are. I suppose humans require such reminders from different parties, as being on Earth can take a toll on one’s health. Remembering who we are and why we are here can be empowering for those who have forgotten.]

Back To Self!

“When we are born, we come into this world only knowing pure and unconditional love . It shines so brightly out of us that it causes everyone to literally light up whenever they are anywhere near us. But as we grow, we start to learn fear through our family, friends and the world around us. We start to feel separate and different to everyone we see. Our lives suddenly become a ticket-tape parade of judging others and being judged ourselves. Life will never be the same again.”

“And yet, that initial spark of love is still there! If we can find a way to tap into that again, we will suddenly be able to open our hearts to compassion, nurturing, kindness and love that never actually left us. We will start to see that underneath all the yellowing, crinkly edges of our lives, we are all essentially the same. We all want love. We all have dreams and fears. We all want to feel important and worthy. We are all beings on a planet together, trying our best to muddle through life. If we can open our hearts and minds and let love lead the way, the fear that is permeating the world will start to release its tight grip…”

“And that is the point. Working with the angels and learning to connect with them whenever you need to can help bring you back to the core of who you are; the LOVE that’s inside!”

– Katie Oman an intuitive person who often works with angelic beings.

[The word angel is derived from a Greek word – ‘Angelos’ meaning ‘Divine Messenger’.]

Expansion Of The Heart!

“Remember your heart is your center of feeling and this dear human, is your fullest gift you can have on this planet at this time – your gift of emotion and we would like to remind you, as with all gifts so too is this one of the places that could be the biggest weakness. It is through your emotions that you can be manipulated but it is through your emotions that you can.. we will use the same word ‘manipulate’ your reality. Your experience on Earth is generated through your emotions. If only you remember NOT to allow yourselves to be pushed and pulled in the directions that the emotions of others push you in. Forces on your planet want you to feel certain ways – small, neglected and fearful. The power of your heart is great. Bring it fully online and choose the emotions that you wish to feel and bring about in this world . They are your guides and your heart will feel ever stronger the more that you do this and the more that you bring your attention to it. EXPAND and OPEN!”

– excerpt of divine messages channeled for humanity, by Eluna (from the above YouTube video).

(Note: The Arcturians are benevolent ascended consciousness of the Arcturus star system. In my reiki healing practice, they have appeared in their etheric form to help with DNA healing of my clients and my friends whose 3rd eye is activated could see them literally! Our Universe is huge and there are many benevolent E.T. races monitoring and helping humanity heal and raise our level of awareness to Unity Consciousness- the notion that we are all One … family of Source/Creator.)

Destined To Rise Or Fall?

“Selfishness leads to the fall in consciousness of mankind. Acting purely in the interest of self with no consideration of others or to the detriment of them lowers one’s vibration. This is equivalent to choosing the path of darkness- the extreme end of duality. Those whose heart and mind have compassion and consideration for self as well as the rest of humanity, indirectly chooses the other end of the Dark/Light spectrum. In truth everyone is choosing a path during these times of great changes or multiple opportunities of transitioning. And that which one calls Destiny is actually within control of the individual. Therefore what lies ahead of you is determined by what lies within you. In any moment, you CAN change your making a new decision, in this Year of Abundance of choice points. Choose well!”

Take A Chance!

Humans are often fraught with negative thoughts or statements in their mind and I am no exception. Truly in the past decades, I have lost count of the number of times I have had pessimistic messages in head, such as the following:

“But what if the weather becomes worse over there?”

“But what if there’s no parking space available?”

“But what if my idea won’t work?”

“But what if they don’t believe in what I have to share?”

“But what if there isn’t enough time?”

Today I chanced upon a video by an intuitive lady, Pamela Aaralyn who channeled messages from higher dimensional beings prompting us to leap forward old repetitive negative loops or karmic cycles by ignoring the “But what ifs..” . Hours later I stumbled upon a related quote which is displayed above this blogpost. My gut feeling is that many of us have this innate fear of going beyond or are just trying to play safe to avoid future disappointments or failures. Pamela explained that there’s incoming waves of cosmic energy that may cause some confusion but as this is a Leap Year, its purpose is just the opposite. This makes sense as very recently in my meditative state, I got a divine download of information that says that great change is upon the planet and its inhabitants, and it’s POSITIVE from the higher vantage point. Two other words namely DISSOLUTION and AWAKENING popped up prominently in my mind too. If I were to connect the dots of synchronicities, then the message for myself and perhaps humanity is really to be bold to drop old behavioural patterns and move forward . I guess if we don’t try, we’ll never know.

Take Care Of Your Energetic Hygiene!

“We shower regularly. You clean your physical body regularly but how often you clean your energetic body? By doing chakra clearings, balancing, any kind of practice to clear the room.. disharmony and resonance..You can tell whether you resonate with someone or brings it back to energy, energy fields.”

“Poltergeist are energetic fields that may hang around people who are using illicit drugs or are alcoholics because their energy fields are not strong. It’s not as filled with light. So you can see that there’s purpose being in the presence of LOVE radiating the strongest light!”

– excerpt from the above informative video interview with intuitive Suzanne Giesemann, who communicates with spirit guides to help people in their daily challenges.

In the above video, Suzanne explains at length how she and other sensitive people feel uncomfortable with others or while being at a particular location. This boils down to energy of different frequencies. In one example,she explained how she disliked going to dinner with another couple (husband’s colleague and wife) because she sensed negative vibes around them. The following day, the colleague apologized to Suzanne’s husband because right before dinner that man had an argument with his wife! As such she stresses the importance of psychic hygiene.

(Note: I believe in Suzanne’s sharing because I have discovered the same in my healing practice (reiki) too. The Archangels have explained to my clients multiple times how our choice of food, thoughts, feelings and beliefs affect our overall energy field.)

Dream Visitation!

The road is long and seeming without end
The days go on, I remember you my friend
And though you’re gone and my heart’s been empty it seems
I’ll see you in my dreams

I got your guitar here by the bed
All your favorite records and all the books that you read
And though my soul feels like it’s been split at the seams
I’ll see you in my dreams

I’ll see you in my dreams when all our summers have come to an end
I’ll see you in my dreams, we’ll meet and live and laugh again
I’ll see you in my dreams, up around the river bend
For death is not the end
And I’ll see you in my dreams

– except of lyrics of rock legend Bruce Springsteen’s song ‘I’ll See You In My Dreams’ in memory of Michael Gudinski , the late Australian record executive and promoter.

I just chanced upon the aforementioned song, that was released a few years back. What made me write this blogpost is the very meaningful and true lyrics. In my energy healing work that involves angelic communication , I get requested by my clients for answers including matters about their dreams. One common question is “Why do I get dreams of my departed family members though they died many years ago?” . The answer relayed to me by the Archangels was that the departed actually visited them during their sleep, though the dreamer’s interpretation is not necessarily literal. I was told that people who were close to us do visit us after their physical demise, because they are still concerned about those still incarnating. These souls can and do orchestrate help to those who are still ‘living’ in ways which people often regard as luck or synchronicities. This is the reason why spiritual teachers say that we are never alone. To supplement this topic, I enclose a previous post of mine that describes our divine guides.

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