Astrology & Human DNAs

QUESTION: We’ve been studying astrology for some time and we know that the solar system helps to create and support an impression of an individual selfhood for us. The planets and their movements affect our character, moods, and ideas. We’d like to know what exactly this mechanism does and how this system works in terms of science. Most important, we’d like to know how we could use this ancient science most effectively in the new energy. It seems to be a contract, “karma.” What happens when one enlightens and cancels his contract? Do the planets then stop affecting us?

ANSWER:  We’ll summarize the way astrology works: The sun is the fulcrum of the solar system and the center of energy for life for you. There is a physical mechanism for the sending of information from the sun to the other planets and it’s called the solar wind. This energy stream carries with it whatever pattern of interdimensional energy the sun has at that moment, and delivers it to whatever is in reach of the sun’s magnetic field [the Helios]. It’s always there, but it has cycles of intensity. Although science sees the solar wind as a energy player in the solar system, they have yet to see the interdimensional patterns it carries to the planets as this wind blasts out from the sun.

These patterns reflect the posturing of the sun as the other planets exhibit their tugs and pulls on it via gravity and magnetics (both are interdimensional energies). Therefore these sun patterns change continuously as the planets provide new gravitational and magnetic situations to the sun.

When the solar wind, carrying this sun pattern, hits the Earth, it deposits the pattern upon the magnetic grid. The magnetic grid is dynamic (changes all the time), and is responsive to being constantly repatterned. The grid lines of the planet alter the pattern slightly due to fact that your grids aren’t consistent and have greater and lesser areas of influence in different Earth locations.

Human DNA is sensitive to magnetics, since it is a magnetic engine itself. At birth, when the child is separated from the parent, there is a signal sent to the brain of the infant that says, “Your system is now active and on its own, apart from your mother.” During that first breath of independent and unique life, the child’s DNA receives the pattern from the magnetics of the Earth’s grid, and takes on what you have come to call “astrological attributes.”

Different places on the planet will carry the basic pattern, plus or minus what Earth’s magnetic field has contributed due to geographic location. This explains why world-class astrology must take into consideration the location of birth. Astocartography is also based on this principle.

Astrology is the oldest science on the planet, and can be proven to be accurate. In addition, “generic” astrology is also a significant influence in Humanism, from the cycles of the female’s system, to the profound changes in Human behavior when the moon in full. You can’t separate yourself from it, and those who don’t believe in it might as well not believe in breathing, because it’s that much of an influence on your life.

The new energy on the planet invites you to change your DNA. When you change your DNA, you’re working with the very core of the pattern you had at birth, and so you’re able to then work on some of the attributes of your astrological blueprint, and actually change it—even neutralize it. We told you all about that in 1989. Masters did this, and you’re now coming into a time where your abilities are those of the masters. Look into your life and eliminate the things that are challenges and keep the attributes that support you. This is the true balanced Human Being.

You can change your sensitivity to attributes within your own individual astrology type, but the generic influences of the planets’ and moon’s movements will always affect you to some degree, since you’re not an island apart from others. These would be things such as retrogrades and the moon’s influence (as indicated)…Think about it.”

Note: The aforementioned answer is from Kryon, a higher consciousness channeled by an intuitive Lee Carroll.

(After note: I just discovered we’re experiencing the last Mercury retrograde of 2023, after uploading the above blogpost. It has been reported by many sources that retrogrades have a strong impact on human lives, often triggering challenges and the above explanation ties in with people’s experiences year after year, during cyclical movement of planets around the Sun.)

Impact Of 5G?

At present there’s some debate about the emerging 5G technology. Depending on who one listens to, the answer as to whether it’s good for humanity or not seems contrasting. As I am no engineer but just a curious person, I listened to a recent contact with a spirit on the Other Side about the effects of 5G, recorded in the above YouTube video.

The bespectacled lady (Elisa Medhus) in the said video, is a doctor who lost her son (Erik) when the latter committed suicide several years ago. As with any grieving parent, she wanted answers and closure. Since she couldn’t find answers relying purely on science and logic, she turned to mediums who have this unique sense to connect with the departed. Since then she had received many answers and revelations from her son’s spirit. Presently, she has given up a lucrative job in the medical profession to focus on sharing wisdom and knowledge to humanity, from his son via gifted mediums that she engages.

From the aforementioned video, Erik explained through the medium Jennifer, that technology always has its pros and cons. The most obvious advantage of 5G is its higher speed. However, it was also revealed that it can have negative side effects in the long run though it would be difficult to scientifically link it to its health hazards. Some of its ill effects would be migraine, fertility problems, heart issues and even anti-social behaviour. The pitituatary gland will also be impacted by the radiation. 5G will especially affect people who are already predispositioned to some type of illness, adversely. When asked how to avoid it, the answer is to relocate oneself to nature/mountain areas far from 5G signals. To mitigate it, Erik suggests looking into orgonite material.

Although I am aware that there are certain mediums who are fake/ con-men capitalizing on people’s insecurities, the said medium Jennifer seems authentic to me. When I connected with Archangel Raziel (angel of alchemy), I was told that 5G will likely have a negative impact particularly on our 3rd eye chakra/energy vortice at our forehead. (This ties in with Erik’s message about the pituitary gland being affected.) Raziel elaborated that this will cause humanity’s intuition to be weakened. In addition, it is likely to impair a person’s focus or concentration. That angelic being also explained that orgonite material, clear quartz and selenite crystals can assist in mitigating the vibrations of 5G.

Last but not least, Erik explained that 5G will be very pervasive in the future and humanity in general will just have to live with it. Nevertheless, he also cautioned people not to go into fear mode because it will just make things worse. This reminds me of hypochondriacs i.e.humans who manifest dire situations/illnesses in which they fear often. In the end, I believe that technology is something humanity will continue to experiment with. The ideal scenario is of course, to explore the pros and cons of whatever that’s created for highest good of everyone involved. After all, the human experience on Earth is itself a grand experiment of Consciousness.

Hologram – Patterning Of Life

“One man is equivalent to all Creation. One man is a World in miniature. ”

– Albert Pike


I find the above quotation very insightful as it ties in with divine messages channeled by very intuitive people over the years. They explain that although all humans possess a soul which separated from Source/Creator/God to experience physicality, each individuated aspect is not less than the totality of  Source. The analogy that is commonly used is – “we’re like a hologram”. If one zooms in on any part/section of a hologram, it still contains the same design/patterning/content.

Initially I didn’t quite believe the explanation but when I started to communicate with Archangel Michael, and posed relevant questions, I began to see similarities with the answers I received. In my energy healing practice, I assist my clients by balancing their chakras (energy portals) as well as their meridians (energy lines). Archangel Michael explained to me that Mother Earth is no different than humans as it has a consciousness and isn’t just a physical planet. In addition, there are planetary chakras as well as meridians that span across the globe!

The late American psychic Edgar Cayce channeled that the solar system itself is also akin to a larger aspect of us humans, in the sense that each planet is associated with a certain human chakra! Thus, astrology is not a fictional study with no credibility. The movement of the planets affects our psyche on a daily basis.

From the smallest to the largest, we seem to be able to discover a consistency in design. Even scientists of today use terms like ‘holographic universe’, ‘quantum entanglement’ and ‘coherence’ to describe our relationship with the outer world. I believe therein lies the notion that “We Are One” …. in a very literal sense.

Can We Heal Ourselves?

Apparently the answer to the aforementioned question is in the affirmative. However, conventional science does not focus much on beliefs. In fact, most people have accepted past revelation that the fate of our health is sealed by our genes. And so, the following thought is imprinted within most of us.

“There’s nothing we can do – it’s genetics.”

However, as research goes on, new information surfaces every now and then, which debunks previous conclusions. One fine example lies in the field of epigenetic. Dr. Bruce Lipton, biologist, former medical professor and author of the award winning science book “The Biology Of Belief” holds a different view when it comes to the perception surrounding DNAs and genes. He was once reported as saying :

” The current science is called genetic control, which simply means control by genes. The new science, that I got involved with more than 40 years ago and is now becoming mainstream, is called epigenetic control. This little prefix epi turns the world upside down. Epi means above. So, epigenetic means control above the genes. We now know that we influence the activity of our genes by our actions, perceptions, beliefs and attitudes. In fact, epigenetic information can take a single gene blueprint and modify the readout of the gene to create more than 30,000 different proteins from the same blueprint. Basically, it says that the genes are plastic and variable and adjust to the environment.”

The above view best explains how the ‘placebo effect’ works. In the field of metaphysics, Mr. Lee Carroll has written many books which touch on our DNAs based on information he received from the Other Side. It has been emphasized that human consciousness and people’s intent activate our dormant DNAs to perform ‘health miracles’ at sub-atomic levels. As such, our positive view/belief/attitude in life can indeed lead to cases of spontaneous remission. On the other hand, fear and worry are great stumbling blocks to our healing. As such, it is good to be mindful of what we think and believe.

(Note: This post was written not to belittle conventional science but instead to act as a reminder that all of us possess great powers within.)